If you go to McCutcheon High School, you know that there is no better way of putting it.... It sucks.
First of all, it's full of hicks. A bunch of FFA members (Future Farmers of America). That's not what ticks me off, it's when they go all out. When they wear their wrangler jeans, cowboy boots, gigantic belt buckels..... and they wear their cowboy hats on hat day.
Second of all, the school policies/rules are ridiculous. People can't wear the chains on their jeans, you know the ones that people usually hook on to their wallet... The school board thinks that they're going use them as weapons, which the could, but isn't it true that all the hillbillies could use their belt buckles as weapons? Get this, If you get 2 tardies to one class, you get a detention. Last year it was 4, they just cut it in half. This school thinks it's the end of the world if all the students are in the class before the bell rings. What's the difference if they walk into the class 1 second before the bell rings, or 1 second after the bell rings? Here is one that's in effect at almost every school in America, medicine at school. This one is pitiful, "hey man, want a hit of asprin?" Is that what they think we're going to do? I haven't talked to a teacher, student, or parent that thought that rule was fair. What if we have a headache in the middle of class? Well, 99% of teachers won't let you lay your head down in class. I guess we're suppose to go to the nurse's office everytime we get a headache.
No sagging. Why not? Whether the teachers and staff like it or not, it's not hurting anyone. As long as they keep their shirts long enough so their underwear doesn't show. I'd like just ONE reason why not. E-mail it to me if you have one. Not it looks gross, or whatever.... I know a lot of people don't like it or understand it... but that's no reason to bann it.
What about the girls? They can't wear "baby-Ts" or whatever their called, the shirts that are very short, and show off their stomachs. Is the school afraid they'll catch cold or what?
No sleeping at any time. What? Why not? Not even during study hall? They say we should have something to work on at all times. Don't they realize that we don't always have homework? My teacher during 6th period, lets change his name, I'll call him Mr. Zimmerdude. Anyways, we usually have the last 10-15 minutes of class time to ourselves. And some of the kids in the class get in trouble everyday for sleeping. What's the problem? Wouldn't it make more sense to allow it? If we get a little rest, we could be more productive in the next class. Some people are in after-school activities, and are up late at night doing homework. Naturally they're going to get tired during those LONG, BORING classes, like business class.
The most common answer I get when I question some of these rules is, "It's a distraction from school." ????????? Maybe I'm mistaken, but isn't it MORE of a distraction from school when they make a bigger deal of the things than what they really are? They create a distraction when they don't allow it, and anger the whole school.
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