Cool links to other pages

Justins Page This is another school hate page, it's Justins second page. His school and law enforcement gave him some trouble with the first one, and even though it was in the end declared legal he decided it wasn't worth the trouble and now has a less controversial one. Now his school board is after him again and his page even made the news. Check out his page and sign his guest book.

WebCam Central live photos of various animals, offices, cities...
Cool Marilyn Manson Page (No I'm not a freak, I just like the music)
Official No Doubt Page
Slap A SpiceGirl A game where you slap the spice girls when the appear
Virtual Places Cool chat program, you can even play games over it, pretty cool.
Joke Of The Day one of the best joke sites around.
Westwood Studios Has the best strategy games, like Command & Conquer.
IGN64 Good site for nintendo cheats, reviews, news, and previews.
Aol Sucks
Eggheads Surplus Auction Looking for a new computer? Get good computers here dirt cheap.
Cnet Central good site for us computer nerds
Icemall Great free stuff, all kinds of neat links. my search engine of choice, find anything on the internet. Play head to head games over the internet for free (one of the few places that doesn't charge)
ICQ great chat program, talk instantly with your internet buddies. I highly reccomend this.
Free Catalogs Great site for games and demos.
The Exploding whale*MUST SEE* This is about a dead whale that washed up on shore in Oregon, and they didn't know what to do with it, so they blew it up with a half ton of dynamite. You can see pictures or download the video. (very funny).
AGD Antics and Mayhem Page Lots of destructive, explosive and just cool stuff here.

Send me e-mail if you have anymore sites for me. Although I don't update the page often, so it could be awhile till it gets on here.