Runaway Kids

Runaway kids are prime
targets for those with intent to victimize a child. Kids who run are very
often confused, scared, insecure, rebellious, and many times will trust anyone
who befriends them. This makes them very vulnerable to pedophiles and others
who have intent to victimize kids. Money offered to kids to take pornographic
pictures can look real good to a starving kid who is on the run. Trading
sexual favors or being forced into prostitution to survive the streets is
common. Illegal drug distributors often get these kids hooked on crack/coke,
then use them to sell their drugs. And many runaways end up horribly abused or
murdered. As much as these kids are looking for freedom, the word "freedom"
does not exist on the streets.
It is because of my concern for these kids
that I have collected resources for runaways or those thinking about running
away. I have also written A Letter From The
Heart to these kids, in hopes of showing them that there are people who
care and other options available for them other then running away.
If you are a parent that has concerns that your child might
runaway, please have them read this letter.
If you are a kid thinking
about running, please read the letter as it may bring some things to your
attention that you might not have thought about.
And if you are a kid
already on the run.....there are many resources to help get you off of the
streets. Check out the letter and resources. Even if you feel you are not
ready to get off of the streets right now, print out a list in case you change
your mind.
Comment: Whether a
crime is commit against a child via modem or on the streets, the persons
committing these crimes are all the same. If a pedophile entices a child to
come with him on the streets, he will do the same to kids via the computer.
Many "real world" criminals use the computer as a hunting ground for their
young, vulnerable victims.
If someone is telling you, through email, chat, or even the phone, that they
"love" you, or want to help you, and attempt to convince you to runaway from
home...DON'T DO IT!! Don't trust him (or her) just because they tell you that
you can. If an adult really cares about you, the last thing they would want is
for you to runaway. These individuals that attempt to get you to runaway are
users and care more about their own interests then yours. Be smart...don't let
anyone con you.

Resources For Runaways
A Letter From The Heart

Send comments or suggestions to:
Lynn Zwicke,

Copyright © 1997