<BGSOUND SRC="venus1.wav">
Instructions for our society:
Seize nothing.

Come get some....

Lenin: Goddess of Love.

To see him is to love him...

Are you just playing with that mouse or are you going to click me?

Lenin, naked.

1.7Mb of pure pleasure!

Quote of the month, January 2006

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."

Henny Youngman

This is my 15 minutes. Go get yer own. Oh, and while I'm pontificating, might I mention that the pit of supposed poetry is the only part of this site that is "regularly" updated.

And............... there is obscene language on some pages containing references to Benjamin Franklin. No surprises here!

The FAQ is baq!

People ask how will I top my Lenin exhibit? Whipped cream, baby!
And check out Trotsky in the Hat.

I am an intellectual graveyard. My thoughts are like the skin slowly decaying, sloughing from the bones of plague victims. No thought, no vision, no originality here; just the death and decay of a rotted mind. Besides:

A link:
"A page about Albert Camus".


Commumism's Greatest Hits!

Featuring Communists!

The Bermuda Quadrangle

Many have entered never to be seen again:

Book 'em, Danno. Ed's Homepage (he's no longer at Rutgers, but his web page is. Actually, where is Ed? I don't know! Last I heard he was about to leave Umass Andover, and then never seen again... that's a look under! The cure - was in no pill.... Go see The Fall instead. Some things never change.)
This image no longer appears on her webpage. Gardening, Cooking, Reading, Heating Units: Proletarian Pasttimes. Now in the new GENERIC style!
I am not a forehead... A new forehead in hell.
The Official HomepageThe Fall. Bastards keep changing the damn link. I fixed it... AGAIN.
and here's every Fall album I own; as if you care (actually, I don't even own all of them anymore, but you can see the gory details yerself).

In Time

think this would hold up in a court of law -----> © 2004 Stephen M. Daly
Send me some mail: smdaly@geocities.com

And here's the Hate Mail I have received.

Hey Steve, why so negative?

No, really, what's new?

I wish I was as weird as you are.


They would encourage me,
tell me to act,
then pull the beams up from under my feet.

They want me to do,
but without doing.



Will the 10,000,000th visitor please turn off the lights. Thanks.