An Ethiopian's Perspective From the New World: ...

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Hello, there!

I would like to extend my warm and polite Selamta to you, my honored guest, with the usual Ethiopian custom of dignity, piety and hospitality. Thank you for stopping by, my friend. This Homepage is currently under construction. Please, feel free to come back and visit it anytime you want to....In the meantime, however, sit back, relax and enjoy the following - some of my own favorite - hot links to the Web. Just click and enjoy.


Theodros "Teddy" Abebe (Your Host)

Links to other sites on the Web

Ethiopia Shall Soon Stretch Her Hands Unto God, says the Bible. Visit the most fascinating and beautiful country on Earth
Come and visit the Capstone. Experience the rich and colorful legacy of Howard school
The best source for everything under the sun - and beyond. Welcome to the compelling universe of the Library of Congress
Interested in global affairs? Why not visit the wide and intriguing world of the United Nations Organization and its various organs?
News! News!...You'll find everything current here. News, News...and more News
I can not even describe the contents behind this entry. You'll have to experience it yourself in order to get the full excitement out of it


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