Bob Zitek's Police Page

This page is an unofficial one and only represents my opinions and experiences.

O.W.I. Busters

Hello, my name is Bob Zitek and I've been in Law Enforcement since 1992. I started out working part time for the Village of Tigerton and now work full time for the State of Wisconsin. I'm currently working at the University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Police Department. Our Department consists of 8 patrol officers, 2 Sergeants, 1 Detective, 1 Lieutenant, and our Chief. We provide 24 hour Law Enforcement protection for the population of our campus and are deputized by Winnebago County. We are situated in the City of Oshkosh and enjoy a terrific working relationship with the Oshkosh Police Department. Often times we only have one Officer on patrol and if back up is needed we call on them for assistance. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank them for always being right there when we need them.

I work third shift as a road patrol Officer. I mostly play with the after bar crowd. My shift isn't the best one if you like getting plenty of sleep, but I like the type of work we get to do. I enjoy answering calls and being of assistance to people in need. I also enjoy arresting drunk drivers. I believe that every drunk I take off the road is an accident prevented or, possibly, a life saved.

Please Check out Lt. David Lewis' page on the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Memorial below. I've been to the funerals of two Officers I've known personally and the Memorial would be a great way for all of us to honor the sacrifice they made while performing their duty.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you find something of interest from the links below.

Links and Pictures

A picture of one of our patrol cars.
A digital picture of me.
The U.W.O.P.D. patch.
Tigerton's Police patch.
This is one of the best sites I've found - The Law Enforcement Internet Directory.
If you like IRC and want to talk with other Cops, check out the #Cops channel homepage.
Check out where I work. The U.W.O. Police Homepage.
This is a page put up by Lt. Dave Lewis of the Janesville P.D.

Check out my Photo Album!

Visit my Awards Page.

Please visit my memorial page.

Please click on the badge below and support the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Memorial.

ThisWisconsin Police Web Ringsite is owned by
Bob Zitek

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This page was updated on January 22nd, 2001.