Oneida County Democrats

Located in the Northwoods of Wisconsin

Chair: G. Adam Stanislav
Vice Chair: Shirley Swearingen
Secretary: Keith McCaffery
Treasurer: Wayne Schneider

The next meeting of the Democratic Party of Oneida County will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd, at Pizza Haven in Rhinelander. We will host an event for Senator Russ Feingold at 7 pm. Let’s keep Russ in the Senate!

October 28, 1997

We have passed a resolution on mining in Northern Wisconsin. Please read it.

May 27, 1997

This has been a sad day for Oneida County Democratic Party. We are losing two good friends. Lee Schneider and his wife Tricia will be moving to Colorado Springs. Because of the move, Lee resigned his position as Chairman of Oneida County Democratic Party today. At the same time, Tricia resigned as Vice Chair.

With their enthusiasm, Lee and Tricia revitalized Oneida County Democratic Party over the last two and a half years. They will be sorely missed here.

One thing is sure, though: Our loss is Colorado’s gain. Watch out, Colorado! Two good Democrats are moving in!

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+ Links to other sites on the Web:

+ Democratic Party Home Page
+ Democratic Party of Wisconsin
+ Digital Democrats
+ The White House
+ Have you read the Constitution lately?
+ Human Rights report
+ Today’s News (WJFW)
+ Oneida County Weather
+ Northwoods Internet


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