Hello! Welcome to the site that is dedicated to my campaign for Student Council President at Bishop McNamara High School! It's great to see people coming here and thinking over the candidates for the office.
Over the past years, I have served a range of offices for both my class (CLASS OF '98!) and the school. My Freshman year I served as class Treasurer, Sophomore year as class President, and currently, in my Junior year, I am serving as Student Council Vice-President. I have included a page with a very small biography of myself, if you are interested, click HERE.
Elections this year will be held on April 15. In the weeks before that date, I will be campaigning extensively to make sure everyone considers the options for this election. You can see my platform by using the link below or by clicking HERE. Another way I will campaign is by promoting this website. That is where I need some help - I cannot possibly talk to every student at MAC, so I will be using e-mail to make things easier. If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions about this website, my campaign, or any interests you would like the Student Council to take part in (things the Student Council can help improve around the school), feel free to mail me. My address appears at the bottom of the page. Every e-mail that is sent to me will receive a reply.
I have many people to thank for basically everything ... to see my thank you page, click HERE.
Thanks for visting, and remember to "STICK WITH MICK" -
Vote Dave Mickle for Student Council President.
Thanks again;
Mail me - dmickle@keynet.net
Hey... if anyone is thinking of switching to Keynet (it's local and cheap) for internet service, mail me, because I want to talk to you about it. THANKS.
Links to other sites on the Web
Andrew Suprenant's website (anybody into James Bond would especially like it)
My platform page
My biography page
My "thank you" page