Mother  Teresa

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The objects of Mother Teresa's love, charity and sacrifice


" God loved the world so much, that he sent to us

Jesuschrist.  And Jesus loved us so much,

that send to us Mother Teresa  "



Pictures of families and Children who live in one of Calcutta's slumps,

the Mother Teresa's only family





   A poor woman cares for her baby,    while   preparing an earthen furnace    to cook (her   only meal in one    week), in one   of the   slumps in    Calcutta, India.  








A naked orphan - one of the thousands, living in the streets of Calcutta - cries, because he is hungry. Unfortunately, there is no  mama,  who will listen his crying.








   A woman washes her    clothes, in the hooghy    river, outside her shanty    home ( ? ).









A Calcutta mother and her child, wait for water to boil, on a flame, in the shack they call home.








      A boy searches for food      in   the garbage, on the      roadside of City's slump.









A child, who suffers from leprosy on her hands and back, prays, staring on Virgin Mary.






 es a lice-ridden baby an, she found in a garbage can, ae ratsin this ph


  Mother Teresa cradles an orphan baby, she   found in a garbage can and saved from the rats, in   this 1979 photo.


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   INDEX                     WHAT'S A POOR COUNTRY TO DO?