Individual Membership Requirements
Must be 17 years of age or older. (age may not be
waived). Signature of parent or guardian is required on the
Application for Membership in MARS for applicants under 18 years of
Citizn of the United States or alien who have been
lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence.
Willing to operate in accordance with the regulations
prescribed for participation in the Army MARS Program.
MARS radio stations operators must have access to a
radio station capable of operating on MARS frequencies, HF of VHF
and a valid FCC and/or host country amateur radio operator license.
- Are you holding that Amateur Radio license in a community that
does not have a MARS member?
- Do you enjoy hearing the words "Thank you so much" when you
deliver a message to a soldier or family member?
- Would you feel a sense of satisfaction knowing your station
played a vital role during a disaster assisting an area in
receiving needed assistance from different agencies from a message
that you were the one that relayed the message?
- This organization has no membership dues.
To Receive
An Application for Membership
You may join Army MARS by contacting any MARS member, who can
give you the application and/or guide you to the acquisition of the
proper applications or by contacting:
The Webmaster
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