Whats New
New texts and links are listed here - the most recent at the top
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- 30th July 2001

- February 9th 2001
- Added these texts :
- Militancy - Highest Stage Of Alienation
by the Organisation des Jeunes Travailleurs Revolutionnaires
An english translation of Le Militantisme Stade Supreme De L'Alienation which is online at the Communist Left site.
- Worker-Student Action Committees - France May '68
by Fredy Perlman and Roger Gregoire (1969)
- The Slow Burning Fuse by John Quail (1978)
The first three chapters of this classic history
- Le Mouvement Communiste by Jean Barrot (1972)
Deuxième partie : Le Mouvement Communiste (in French)
The second part of this book
- A World Without Money
article created from translated excerpts from Un Monde Sans Argent : Le Communisme
- Added and updated a lot of links - too many to list them all !
New links to texts by Gilles Dauve, Otto Ruhle, Henk Canne Meijer, Henri Simon, Cajo Brendel (none of them texts in english) and also for Sylvia Pankhurst, Amadeo Bordiga, Errico Malatesta and William Morris.
New links added to texts on the following sites : Subversion, Troploin, Kurasje, Practical History, Wildcat (UK/US).
Added links sections for Plus Loin, Break Their Haughty Power, Internationalist Perspective.
Amended links for the following sites which had changed them : International library of the Communist Left, P / (K + V), The Communist Left
- Corrected a number of embarrassing broken internal links (duh). All the texts on the site should now be accessible. If you see a link and it doesn't work - let us know !
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