Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities

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                        Hi! Welcome to Open Talk, a pot pouri of subjects which might interest you.
                This is our first experiment in doing such a page and hope that you like the format in which it is presented. If you have any suggestions, just mail them using the address below, and please do sign our guestbook. This will encourage us in improving our page. We have developed a very simple form for all those who wish to jot down any thoughts! THANK YOU
                                 open talk zONE  

          By clicking on the link below, you can browse through links to official pages of political parties : maybe not to believe them, but at least knowing what they have to present ! We will be adding up new links as soon as we have time (!), but if you know of any, just e-mail them to us. Thank you.
            Political Parties 

                                        Weather Page 
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