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This website is about Liberty and Justice, Civil Liberties, Legal Reform and Government Corruption. It is a website for the beginning legal researcher, for the self-help inclined. It is a website for anyone to use to find information that I have also sought over the years. There are many links here and there are links to my other web sites that you will have to look for. I do not point these other sites out here because I assume that if you are really looking you will find them. I offer links to many other ideas and issues and hopefully once you have looked and seen what is out there on the Internet you will come back and see that what I have offered here will be of value to those who are trying to find reliable information on the Internet. This Web Site is especially designed for those who want to help themselves to learn about legal issues that affect the very life that each and everyone of us live.
It is my sincere hope that this page is a service, as well as a chance to be introduced to information that is helpful to the seeker of legal research and legal issues.
This web site breaks down to three main sections and each section has many sub pages within it. It would take anyone several hours to review everything here and considering the many links that are available here, it may take days to see everything there is to see here.
It is my sincere hope that this web site is a valuable guide, and assistance, to those serious and curious visitors, however you happened to find your way here.
My Best Regards,
Terry L. Fesler