Created on November 12, 1996
Latest Update: April 16, 2009 |
about me and the desert |
Purpose and Scope:
This web page was originally created for the purpose of making public my application for Conscientious Objector status and separation from the United States Army. It contains most of the official documents that were available to me regarding that application, the most important documents being those I wrote myself, including the Three Point Outline, Enclosure #1, Enclosure #2, and the Rebuttal of the investigating officer's final report. Additionally, this page has evolved into a personal freedom resource page including links to freedom podcasts, blogs, organizations, books, movies and articles, as well as a few contributions of my own. (under construction) |
"No man is free who cannot command himself."
-- Pythagoras
-- Walt Whitman
* Anarchy In Your Head * Anti-War Barbed Wire Smile Beacon, The Beginner's Guide to Freedom Bock, Alan Bovard, James Check Your Premises Classically Liberal Cowboy State Policy Institute de Coster, Karen Degrees of Freedom Free Association Free Minds TV Freedom Channel Freedom's Phoenix Friedman, David D. History News Network Hooligan Libertarian Kill the Afterlife Kn@ppster Last Ditch Libertarian Labyrinth Liberty Liberty Radio Underground lowercase liberty * McElroy, Wendy Mises, Ludwig von No Government No Treason Obscured Truth Network Out of Step Pro Libertate QandO Radical Libertarian Reason * Rockwell, Lew Rose, Larken Spangler, Brad * Strike the Root Sunni and the Conspirators Tory Anarchist
Mainstream News
UK News
Alternative News
Bakunin, Mikhail Curtis, Edward C. de Cleyre, Voltairine Epictetus Haywood, Ezra Henry, Patrick Lane, Rose Wilder Rand, Ayn Schopenhauer, Arthur Spencer, Herbert Spooner, Lysander Thoreau, Henry David Tucker, Benjamin Warren, Josiah Whitman, Walt
(On Site)
The Woman Question, Victor Yarros, 1888 A Reply to Victor, Zelm (Sarah Holmes), 1888 The Abolition of Marriage John Beverly Robinson, 1889 The Anarchists, John Henry Mackay, 1891 Natural Law (Equal Freedom) Natural law, or The Science of Justice Lysander Spooner, 1882 Vices Are Not Crimes, Lysander Spooner, 1875 Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do, Peter McWilliams, 1996 The Principles of Ethics Herbert Spencer, 1897 No Treason I, Lysander Spooner, 1867 No Treason II: The Constitution, Lysander Spooner, 1867 No Treason VI: The Constitution of No Authority, Lysander Spooner, 1870 The Right to Ignore the State, Herbert Spencer, 1851 Defending the Undefendable, Walter Block, 1976 The Myth of Natural Rights, L. A. Rollins, 1984 (a review) Philosophy The Manual, Epictetus, 135 Essays, Michel de Montaigne, 1592 The Wisdom of Life, Arthur Schopenhauer, 1850 Isaiah's Job, Albert Jay Nock, 1937 Philosophy: Who Needs It, Ayn Rand, 1982 Science QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, Richard Feynman, 1988 Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures Richard Feynman (on physics) Economics The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith, 1776 Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt, 1946 I, Pencil, Leonard Read, 1958 Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Friedman, 1962 Free to Choose, Milton and Rose Friedman, 1980 (review) The Case for Unilateral Free Trade and Open Immigration, Jacob G. Hornberger, 1995 Self-Improvement Do It - Let's Get Off Our Buts, Peter McWilliams, 1994 The Guide to Getting It On, Paul Joannides, 1996 How To Develop Self-Confidence... Through Public Speaking, Dale Carnegie, 1955 How to Heal Depression, Peter McWilliams, 1994 How to Survive the Loss of A Love, Peter McWilliams, 1991 How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie, 1936 Life 101, Peter McWilliams, 1994 Love 101, Peter McWilliams, 1995 The Memory Book, Harry Lorayne, 1986 Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, 2000 (Rich Dad web page)
Documentaries America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Aaron Russo American Zeitgest (2006) Rob McGann Zeitgest Addendum (2008) Peter Joseph Free to Choose (1980/90) Milton Friedman Money as Debt (2006) Paul Grignon (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5) The Money Masters (1995) Bill Still TerrorStorm (2006) Alex Jones Waco: Rules of Engagement (1997) William Gazecki Who Killed the Electric Car (2006) Chris Paine Interviews, Speeches and Shorts Aaron Russo Interview Architecture of a Prison Planet, Aaron Russo interviewed by Alex Jones Bush's War on Civil Liberties, James Bovard The Road to Serfdom in five minutes, Friedrich Hayek War and the Future of the Dollar, Lew Rockwell
Freedom Projects Great Books in an Historical Perspective (on site) Free State Project Seasteading Seasteading related info US Submarines: Underwater Habitats
Advocates for Self-Government Alliance of the Libertarian Left Assoc. of Libertarian Feminists Buildfreedom.com Cato Institute Center for a Stateless Society Constitution Society DownsizeDC.org Foundation for Economic Education Freedom Activists Network Freedom Portal * Freedomain Radio * Fully Informed Jury Association * Future of Freedom Foundation ifeminists.com Internat'l Soc. for Individual Liberty James's Liberty file collection Just Cause Law Collective * Lew Rockwell.com * Ludwig von Mises Institute * Lysander Spooner.org * Memory Hole * Molinari Institute Money Masters NARAL: Pro-Choice America Restore the Repubilc Voluntaryist Women's Freedom Network
Anarchy In Your Head FreeKeene.com Free Minds TV/Radio Free State Project Free Talk Live Liberty Conspiracy Liberty Scholarship Fund New Hampshire Free Press New Hampshire Underground NH Common Sense NH Liberty Alliance Obscured Truth Network Republic of New Hampshire Ridley Report
Advodates for Self-Government Founding Documents Great Books Index Library of Constitutional Classics Library of Economics and Liberty Molinari Institute Online Books Page: Author search Online Library of Liberty Perseus Digital Library Internet Sacred Texts Archive Terra Libra Reports Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Death By Government Legend of Ruby Ridge Rainbow Farm Randy Weaver: Siege at Ruby Ridge Waco: Rules of Engagement The Wall
Secular Web: Internet Infidels Freedom From Religion Foundation Positive Atheism Magazine
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Church of Reality Church of the SubGenius Discordian.com Pincipia Discordia Church of All Saints' Humor (under construction)
alt.polyamory Amer. Assoc. for Nude Recreation Poly Weekly Polyamory Society Scarleteen.com Sexuality.org XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography Absinthe Bufo alvarius at Bouncing Bear Botanicals Cannibis.com Emperor Wears No Clothes at Jack Herer.com Hemp Farm Hemp Museum High Times Lycaeum Marijuana Policy Project Mushrooms and Mankind by James Arthur NORML Vaults of Erowid Virtual Absinthe Museum Webtender: An Online Bartender Wormwood Society Top40db.net
Reference tool OneLook.com
Science News
Astronomy, Physics, etc.
and other weirdness
Remote Viewing
and Other Weirdness
Historical Linguistics
Dictionaries and Etymology
Word Play
Language Learning
Tree of Life
Plants, Fungus, etc.
Animals (- Arthropods)
Zoos and Botanical Gardens
Parks and Recreation Areas
Field Guides
Escape From America Mazagine
Earthship Fantasies
Submarine Fantasies
Amphibious RV Fantasies
Non-Linear Chess
Nature Documentaries
Eastwood Westerns
Science Fiction
Kubrick Films
Other Favorites
© 1996 golwis@yahoo.com