Selected Articles, Research and Information on Racism and Mental Health

I have decided to create a page that looks at the impact of racism on the mental health of people who are continuously exposed to it. As a young black male who has and still continues to experience everyday racism in Canada, I know the tremendous stress that I and many others who are subjected to this unequal and discriminatory abuse of power face. Everyday racism comes in all forms. Sometimes it rears it ugly head in such a subtle and insidious way that attempting to deal with it is like chasing shadows. Other times it comes in blatant and direct ways. The impact is always negative on the person who is subjected to racism. This impact results in undeserved stress, fear, anxiety, loss of interest in things that are dear to the person and in some cases depression. The mental health of people who are subjected to racial discrimination is a least explored area and deserves greater attention so that victims of racism can receive the counselling and support they deserve. Organizations that also support people facing racism discrimination are included on this page.