The Ontario Network for Human Rights was started in 1996 as a support group for racialized people in Canada who were facing racial profiling, abuse of their rights, employment discrimination, housing discrimination, refusal of service based on race, denial of freedom from discrimination and violation of their citizenship rights as Canadians. It is now an online resource related to human rights and racism in Canada. This website was created in 1996 by Gary Pieters, an educator and community organizer who 13 years later remains disappointed and saddened by the extent and salience of everday racism. As the Human Rights Chief Barbara Hall recently stated, the laws on the books do not reflect the lived reality for many. This is leading to a prosperity and quality of life gap that is disproportionate.
The plague of racism is insidious, entering into our minds as smoothly and quietly and invisibly as floating airborne microbes enter into our bodies to find lifelong purchase in our blood streams - Maya Angelou
The message to young black men by the government is to become all you can be by participating fully in main stream society. Mr. Reid did that and the below article is the result. Society cannot have it both ways. They cannot condemn the violence of young black men while using their position of power to abuse young black men. It is difficult to have sympathy and compassion for a society that crushes black people and then penalizes them for not being able to stand up under the weight. - Calvin Lawrence commenting on the "Ghetto Dude" slur by a staff of the office of the Premier of Ontario
It's Time to Read My Deambook!
Gary Pieters is an experienced and accomplished educator and administrator with over 10 years of experience. Currently, Gary is the Vice-Principal at an elementary school in Toronto. Gary has also been active as a volunteer in the community for many years. Gary currently serves as co-chair of The Committee to Commemorate and Memorialize the Abolition of Slave Trades (CMAST). He has a wide interest in equity, diversity and human rights. Gary was appointed to the 2006-2007 Community Editorial Board of The Toronto Star where his focus, and editorial page columns has been highlighting the contributions of individuals from diverse communities in Canadian history and institutions. Gary is also a member of the board of directors of the Urban Alliance on Race Relations [UARR].
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