Manistique Merchants' Arts, Crafts, and Sidewalk Sale
Saturday August 5, 2006
9AM to 4PM
Sponsor & General Inforation
This event is under the direct sponsorship of the Manistique Merchants' Association, a group of 70-80 businesses which are Manistique Area based. Each year this group conducts an event of this nature as a way to stimulate interest and activity in the business district. The event serves, as well, to clear summer merchandise. The Association welcomes folks with arts and crafts for sale to attend this event as a way to offer the widest possible choice of merchandise and activity to our patrons.
The general layout amounts to closing two blocks of the main street in the business district (Cedar St) to vehicular traffic. This is done with the full co-operation of the City of Manistique Public Safety and Public Works Departments. Merchants and those folks with arts and/or crafts to sell, set up with their own display tables and/or racks in the street adjacent to the curb line.
The letter "B" in the inset map at right is the blinker light at the intersection of Hwy #2 and M-94. Up is north. The street immediately to the west is Cedar Street. It connects to Hwy#2 a few hundred feet west of the blinker. If you're traveling on US#2 and coming west to east, you will encounter these two intersections immediately after crossing the Manistique River.
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Association officers (2006) are:- President: David J. Vaughan WTIQ
- V.P. Bonnie Lehman, Paul's Plumbing & Appliance
- Treas. Sally Stram - Peoples' Dept. Store
- Secy. John Stewart, Nelson Shoe Store
John Stewart, Sidewalk Sale contact person
Nelson Shoe Store
127 South Cedar, Manistique MI 49854
1-906-341-5553 voice or fax
e-mail John
Calling long distance for more info? 1-800-642-0393 toll free
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Fees & Registration
The only fee imposed is a $10.00 per space registration fee. Checks are to be made payable to: Manistique Merchant Association. The registration fee entitles your arts and/or crafts to be displayed and sold in an area equivalent to the length of one (1) parking space (about 20 lineal feet). Pre-Registration can be affected by telephone, U.S. Mail, or e-mail if you will provide the following information:- Name
- Address
- phone number
- type of art and/or craft that you will be displaying and selling
- the number of parking places you will need ($10 each)
The $10.00 per space fee should accompany your registration, or (in the cases of telephone or e-mail registration) follow very shortly thereafter. Upon receiving your registration fee, organizers of this event will "lock down" an appropriate amount of space for your use on Aug 5, 2006. Rain or Shine
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Set up Information
The Manistique Public Works Department begins barricading the street to eliminate vehicle traffic at 7:30 AM. At this point it is safe to begin your set up. It is permissable to run your transport vehicle to a point convenient for loading and unloading your display apparatus. It is important, however, to have that vehicle off the street as soon as possible (not later than 9 AM), and for the rest of the day. In some cases, vendors have rather elaborate trailers from which they display and sell their products. This is permissable; but, must be planned for in advance. Simply let the contact person know what your needs are when you register. Inevitably, there will be other questions crop up
around set up time. See John Stewart @ Nelson Shoe Store for additional help. Nelson Shoe Store is located at 127 South Cedar, opposite from mBank. If you decide to "just show up" without having pre-registered, an honest effort will be made to accommodate your needs. Be advised that this brief period of time can be a hectic one. It will be to everyone's advantage to pre-register.
Food & Lodging
There are many good restaurants and motels in the area. Links to other web sites which offer further information on accommodations are:
C of C or There are even restaurants and motels within very easy walking distance if that should concern you or if you plan to stay overnight.
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Chamber of Commerce
The Schoolcraft County Chamber of Commerce's web site :
C of C. Lenore Heminger is the chamber director. e-mail: Chamber or phone 1-906-341-5010 There are some interesting things to see in the area. Ask Lenore about kitch-iti-kipi or Seul Choix Point Lighthouse (say si-shwaw)
The association takes pains to have our local "shopper" include a special section of sidewalk sale information in its weekly edition. This weekly publication is mailed to all households in the county and some households outside the county. This publication is delivered on Mondays. Your advertisement is welcome; but, not mandatory. Affordable display advertising rates are definitely available. Small "want ads" are also available at very affordable rates. Your copy and payment must be submitted by The Advisor deadline. Deadline is Wednesday, July 26th, 2006 Phone 1-906-341-2424 * Fax 1-906-341-8062
The Manistique Pioneer Tribune is our local weekly newspaper. It publishes on Thursday (just before the sale). Your ad (if you choose to run one) could easily be accommodated.
web link for Pioneer Tribune
e-mail for advertising - deadline 8/01/06
Pioneer Tribune tel# 1-906-341-5200
Any advertizing charges that you incur would be separate from and in addition to the $10 per space fee and would be your responsibility to arrange for and to pay.
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stewartjf@worldnet.att.net1-800-642-0393 Toll Free
last updated and checked for accuracy on 02/05/06