Manistique Merchants' Christmas Drawing
(sign up to win)
There are two kinds of MMA scrip that circulate during the Christmas season. view scrip
How it works
You receive a door poster which identifies your store as a participant. You receive a supply of sign-up slips. You encourage your patrons to sign up to win by signing the slip and placing the slip in a box which you provide for the purpose. Prior to the weekly drawing, it is your responsibility to transport the slips, which you have accumulated, to The Peoples Store, where the winners will be drawn . It is important that you stamp the backs of the slips with your store identification.
When the winners have been drawn, you will be notified who won, and how much they won if a winning slip has your identifier on the back. You will be told when and where the winner can pick up their MMA Christmas Gift Scrip. It is your privilege to notify your patron that their slip (which they filled out in your store) was a winner. You will pass on to them instructions about when and where to pick up their MMA Christmas Gift Scrip.
How you get started
Member merchants that wish to do so, put $50.00 in the prize pool. You must write the check and deliver it into the hands of the committee anytime prior to Nov. 6, 2003. This year, merchants will begin taking sign ups on Nov 24nd. The first prize drawing is set for Tuesday, Dec 2nd.These drawing dates are all Tuesdays. May we suggest that you arrange to have the slips delivered to Peoples anytime prior to 5 PM on the chosen Tuesdays? Make it easy on yourself. For example: If one of your associates is coming downtown at noon, have them drop off your slips at that time, if that's more convenient
The MMA Gift Certificates that are used as prize awards in the Christmas Drawing carry an expiration date of Jan. 31, 2004.
The association's promotional efforts will be directed at making sure that our patrons are aware of the merchant locations that are participating in this sign-up-to-win promotion. This promotion almost certainly will increase traffic.
Important association notes
You must be an association member and have paid the $50 program fee in order to, fully, participate in this program.
If you decide not to participate
If you decide not to participate in this promotion, be advised that you will not receive the sign up materials. The name of of your establishment will not be mentioned in the advertizing which attends this promotion.
If you decide to participate
Make sure that your clerks are aware that these gift certificates could be showing up at your cash register. Coach your clerks that these things are valuable; and, that you want them to eagerly accept them the same as money.
No cash back over 99 cents
Example: If your customer makes a purchase for $27.99, please accept $25.00 in Christmas Gift Scrip and $2.99 in US currency.
"No purchase necessary" is a critical component.
This absolute requirement is in place so that we avoid the need for a license.
Your committee contacts
Sally Stram, The People's Dept Store 341-2779
last checked for accuracy on 10/04/2003