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The Manistique Mer-Chat
A newsletter for and about the Manistique Business Area
Apr - May - June edition
Next Meeting
at Ann Marie's
July 6, @ 8:05 AM

Car Show




Sidewalk Sale

C of C

Complete Details on the Following MMA Xmas Programs

Christmas Cash

Drawing for Christmas Gift Certificates

See Scrip

Extended Hours

MMA Gets ready for Summer
2006 Michigan Air Tour to visit Manistique Airport
HOUGHTON-Your opportunity to see up to 50 airplanes land and take off at one time is coming soon to the Manistique Airport. The Michigan Air Tour is scheduled to visit the Mstq Airport on Friday, Sept 8, 2006. The Michigan Air Tour is rife with opportunity to tell the pilots and passengers, mostly from southern Michigan, what activities the community has to offer and why aviators should want to return for extended vacations!

Air Tour participants want to be involved with and learn about the communities they visit.

The Air Tour provices pilots the opportunity to express appreciation to communities for providing and maintaining airports. Motel and Restaruants as well as local tourist attractions are benefited by visiting pilots and passengers.

Check with the C of C to include your brochure or gift certificate in a welcome packet.

latest mer-chat

Manistique Merchant Association looks towards Summer
  • June 24 Pioneer Days
  • July 8 Folk Fest
  • Aug 3,4,5 SC Fair
  • Aug 5 Sidewalk Sale
  • Sept 2 MMA Car Show
  • Sept 8 Fly-In
  • Nov 24 Xmas Parade

    Gift Certificate Info
    Thru April 30, 2006

    $43,275 sold through Apr 30 2006.

  • 2004 Gift Certificate
    A staggering $52.270 worth of gift certificates where sold during 2004. These certificates are as good as gold. If you are not a member of the association, you may not cash these. MMA members may cash these in just like you would a check (no discount, no extra charges). Include them in your regular deposit just as you would a check. If you haven't joined the MMA, wouldn't this be a good enough reason to join us? Annual dues $50. Complimentary memberships (good until the end of the calendar year) for merchants just starting a new business or taking over an existing business.
    URL: http://www.geocities.com./jfortunes
    page refreshed 08/29/2005
    comments: e-mail MMA