Galvin's SuperStarr Political Page              

    "This site recognized as the greatest political web site by several reliable, unnamed sources."
ken starr monica lewinsky bill clinton kenneth starr ken starr independent counsel ken starr Ken Starr Monica lewinsky Linda Trpp Ken Starr

My personal viewpoints and the perspective of which this page comes from

Examine the underground testing facilities of the Democratic Party

Take the "Do you fit the Bill" quiz

See Willie set an example for America's youth on tobacco.

Clinton cares for your children, here is the proof. I'm sure its platonic.

See the top-ten worst politicans today  

See how Clinton conducts fund raising  

The Official Disgruntled Links Page

         I would be interested a link swap with anyone who has a political site they would like to trade.
                      I would like to thank those whose images I have used from their site.
                         I have tried to provide those who were helpful, links to their site.
                 Note: For those who would like to send hate mail, please spell correctly-Mike Green
                                                                       me at

                                              YOU ARE THE   ANTI CLINTON VISITOR