Reaching a strong consensus on the real causes of our dilemma is a critical first step to restoring America. Over the last twenty to thirty years we have condoned and even embraced fallacious theories from "the experts." Theories concerning crime have included everything from genetic make-up, race, economic conditions, modes of transportation, populations, climate, age, gender, and lack of government intervention. These and other conjectures have both missed the mark and hindered real recuperation.

Before 1930 Americans did a superior job of spotting problems. And, Americans took an active role in solving the issues. Since 1930 American's have progressively became more dependent on "experts." This dependency has grown to the point it has produced widespread lethargy. This apathy has in turn has weakened our confidence, know-how, and our ability to make real contributions.

So what really are the causes of crime? The answers are probably too rudimentary for our minds to accept, but, our hearts tell us differently. Consider the following:

The inverse of the causes of crime are those traits or values needed to renew American. Consider the following:

Deep Respect for Oneself and Others

A lack of regard for others, or disrespect, begins when an individual continually puts his or her own interests above those of others. A deep respect for others encompasses a reverence for life, for virtue and for chastity. It also entails a genuine and active regard for others and their needs, and a respect for people's right to property.

Human experience attests that the only way to obtain enhanced feelings of personal self-worth, is to acquire and harbor a deep respect for others. The quickest and surest way to acquire respect is to provide pure service.


In a recent national television network survey poll, only 12% of the U.S. citizens questioned indicated that they would not "admit to making a serious mistake." In other words, 88% of those surveyed felt it is better to lie than to admit making a serious mistake. The culture in the United States is shifting away from honesty and accountability. These attributes are key ingredients to personal, organizational and societal growth. Civilization indeed prospers on the backs of those who keep commitments, who complete what they undertake, who are honorable.


Industry is the creation of value through mental and/or physical work. Personal industry fosters self-worth. A lack of industry spawns selfishness and dependency. America has enjoyed unparalleled wealth - the result of industry and sound government structure. However, today our economy continues to slowly erode. The spending power of the average (the most important gauge of economic strength) steadily deteriorates. Many claim that the economic quandary is simply related to intensified international competitiveness. New products and markets can invariably be produced. The erosion is tied most to poor industry as well as senseless government spending.

Reverence for Chastity and Virtue

The most subtle yet deadliest origin of societal devastation is immorality. Immorality, or permissive sexual conduct evolves from a fixation on self-gratification combined with rationalization. Permissiveness leads to deeply scarred personal lives, divorce, child abuse, illegitimacy, abortion and is the leading cause of violent crime. Permissiveness does not nor will it ever mean "love." It denotes selfishness and greed second only to murder. It results in the ruin of people and nations. History continually bears witness that virtue and chastity are unnegotiable elements of a society's ability to remain happy for any sustained period of time. America, if it wishes to survive, must reestablish in the lives of its citizens the importance of chastity and virtue.

Belief in Deity and Natural Laws

A real belief in natural laws and in a deity that truly cares for us but yet holds us accountable for our actions in accordance with natural laws, ensures more purposeful behavior.

Our founding fathers predominantly believed in deity and natural laws. These natural laws, are the foundation upon under which the U.S. constitution was created. Our constitution today is being shredded, line by line and item by item. When looking at the original intent of the constitution, and what has evolved, it is painfully obvious that our constitution hangs by a thread. We must come back to the values that underpin the constitution.

What destroys our belief in deity is the theory of evolution. Evolution is touted to our children in our schools as absolute truth. Its doctrines and tenants preclude a belief in God and in our potential destiny. Our children are taught that man evolved through pure coincidence. Consequently, it must be deducted that the purpose of man is nothing more than to exploit and maximize personal pleasure.

America has been fertile ground for innovation and the pursuit of truth - which has been key to our progress. In the pursuit of truth, scientists introduce hypotheses - that come and go throughout history. Hypotheses are frequently proven to be faulty. By now, we should have learned that we must remain truly objective. The evidence and data supporting evolution may prove to be the most embarrassing and destructive philosophy ever conceived by man. More energy and talent should be spent on premise that a higher order exists.


The groups of people that we interact and are most influenced by are probably as follows:


Strong families with high values and ethics have literally been the backbone of America. Most agree that breakdown of the family is our principal enemy. Weak families are those where there is a dearth of love, expectations, responsibility, time, and personal accountability.


Sturdy religious values have been key to America's success and prosperity. Religious values are the mainstay of the constitution of the United States. Religion taught us to be responsible for our actions, to respect others, and to believe in a future. Now more than ever, too many churches tacitly seem to teach that salvation can be found for a price.


Television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, and other forms of media influence us significantly. Television and movies are probably the most influential. In fact, television and the movie seem to have set the stage, culture and values that eventually become the standard or norm.

Unluckily, a majority of those within the television and movie industry have misused their tremendous influence The consequences have been grave.


Next to family members, friends arguably influence us more than any other group of people. Friendship can and should be a powerful positive. But, too often especially among teenagers, friendship becomes a negative influence. Teenagers naturally want to be attractive, popular, competent, macho and impenetrable.


School is where children spend the prime of their early lives. While there is too much bureaucracy in education, and much of what is taught is not state-of-the-art, it can be argued that most elementary and secondary schools are still comprised with caring, high principled, and well-intended teachers. While teachers can and do in many cases help teach basic important values, their success in changing poor values is not sufficient.


The most productive hours of an adult's life is generally spent at work. In work environments where pride of work and empowerment exist, and where management truly coaches, develops and educates employees, the employees and organization grow and benefit. Where employees are treated as "pawns" and where politics verse performance governs, human potential and self-worth is stripped away. Within the context of the work environment, employers have a solemn responsibility help their employees reach their full potential.


Our form of government is intended to reflect the will and best intellect of the people. The government, however, has grown and become an entity unto itself. It has become unresponsive to real needs of the people. 18