This page was created on December 3, 1999
Last changed on March 16, 2002
This page is reserved for hot-linking components of the new PICSLT model for child support guidelines. The working title for the new model is PICSLT-2000.
In Rational Basis is the Key Focus in Emerging ‘Third Generation’ Child Support Technology (Proceedings of the Children's Rights Council Conference 1993), ten sequential steps were defined for developing what is described as 'third generation' child support guidelines. The process begins with decisions about the basic principles upon which child support awards are based. From those principles a detailed decision model is developed. Numeric values needed in the guideline are then derived within the context of the decision model.
During the next few months (it is now December 3, 1999) we would like to present all the necessary elements of the new model. For a quick overview, please read the page discussing the development of numeric table values. See also, the web pages on estimating the cost of raising children, specifically related to child support guideline design, by Economic Consultant R. Mark Rogers
Commentary, Theory, and Mathematics
A. The Child Support Guideline Problem
B. How to develop a 'third generation' child support guideline
C. Fundamental Principles: Rational basis for a child support award
D. Model Child Support Statute (See "The Child Support Guideline Problem," above.)
E. Mathematics
... New Equations for Child Support and Spousal Maintenance
... Accounting for Visitation and Shared Parenting
F. The Numeric TableChild Cost Estimates by Economic Consultant R. Mark Rogers
Model with Commentary
Intro: Child Support Decision Models
A. Legal Construction and Fundamental Principles
B. Model Child Support Statute
C. The Decision Model and Mathematics
D. Worksheets
E. Numeric Table
F. Challenges to the Presumption and Deviations