Installing and Customizing the DRL Schema

Forthcoming; extension beyond W3C Standard Schema processing.

This document is included in the zip download as readme.htm.

zip file contents: The zip file contains this page (as readme.htm), the DRL schema set, and tools (batch and script in html file) for running W3C Standard XML Schema processors. The schema processors themselves are not included, but may be downloaded from other sites.

All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2004 Roger F. Gay
Intelligent Systems Research Corporation

Table of Contents
Document Information
About Drools and DRL
Open Source License Agreement
About this Version
Download the DRL Schema Set
Installing the Schemata
Preparing your DRL files
DRL File Validation
Adding a New Semantic Module
Removing Semantic Module Support
User Feedback and Discussion

Document Information

This document is included in the
zip download as readme.htm.

Document Status: Complete

Original Document Date: October 19, 2004
Last Document Change: October 22, 2004
Last Schema Modification: October 30, 2004
Document Location:

Target Audience: Drools developers, drools application developers, and systems managers involved in managing use of drools applications.

Subject: This version of the DRL XML Schema set has been developed according to the DRL specification of drools release 2.0-BETA-1.7 (October, 2004) It is a modification of the DRL XML Schema developed by the same author (for drools version 1 BETA) that was made available to the drools community in September, 2003. This document provides some general background on drools, drl, and schema, and detailed information on installation, use, and maintenance of the drools DRL schema set.

Document Author: Roger F. Gay
Document Last Updated By: Roger F. Gay
Schema Author: Roger F. Gay
Schema Last Updated By: Roger F. Gay
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2004 Roger F. Gay
Intelligent Systems Research Corporation

This is an Open Source document that supports Open Source code. It may be redistributed as is, or with changes that are documented by including the date(s) of change(s), the name(s) of person(s) who made the change(s), and note(s) describing the change(s) that were made, so long as the original document and schema author and original copyright notice are included in the changed version of the document.

The Original Author, Roger F. Gay would appreciate being notified of changes, especially those that improve the document, but notifying the Original Author of changes is not required.

Feel free to report any errors or deficiencies.

About Drools and DRL

Drools is an Open Source, high-powered rule processing system written in the Java programming language. Rule bases for applications are stored in W3C Standard XML files written in the Drools Rule Language (DRL). The DRL schema set (the subject of this document) consists of schemata written in accordance with the
W3C XML Schema Standard that define the structure of and relationships within DRL files.

You may use this document whether or not you are not familiar with drools, DRL files, and rule engines if you need to install or maintain DRL schemata or validate existing DRL files. If you are interested in learning about rule processing and the drools rule processing engine, it is best to start with the articles and tutorials at the drools project website. If you are looking for a basic tutorial on W3C Standard Schema, W3C Schools is a good place to start.

DRL is an XML-based language that uses modern XML features such as XML-Namespaces and XML Schema. DRL files are XML files that use DRL tags. DRL files are typically named with suffix .drl. drools requires that they be accessible through a URL:

The base semantics of a DRL file include the top-level "rule-set" which contains any number of rules. Parameters and declarations within rules contain objects that are processed by drools at run-time to provide data that is tested by the rules.

A particularly interesting feature of drools is that the inner contents of some of the rule elements, such as the condition and consequence elements that make up the fundamentally important "if-then" part of the rule specification, are "semantic- module-independent." (The drools Guide, The Werken Company, July 11, 2003) This means that drools is designed to allow the use of any language – even a custom language defined for an application world like general business management or nuclear power-plant management – for the inner content of some of its elements.

The current version of drools (2.0-BETA-1.7) supports three general programming language semantic modules; for java, python, and groovy. (BETA 1 supported java, python, and jelly.) The existing support for general programming languages means that a wide variety of applications can be built immediately, without defining a new application specific language. The fact that three different semantic modules are supported (historical total: four) demonstrates the semantic flexibility of drools. It can also present interesting challenges in schema development and maintenance and in system management. Handled well, drools can add an exceptional level of power and intelligence to automated systems.

Open Source License Agreement

  Copyright 2004 (C) Roger F. Gay. All Rights Reserved.
  Intelligent Systems Research Corporation
  This schema is the original work of Roger F. Gay ( ), 
   provided as a contribution to the drools Open Source project 
   ( ). This schema may be redistributed, subject to 
   the conditions that appropriate written notification of this author's contribution 
   is included in every copy and derivative of this schema by including this 
   statement along with your statement of changes if any, and by including the above
   copyright notice and an author acknowledgment in documentation associated with
   any redistribution of this schema or derivative of this schema. This schema is
   provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Neither Roger F. Gay nor 
   Intelligent Systems Research Corporation nor the drools Open Source project 
   are liable for any use of this schema.
   Feedback regarding errors and improvements would be appreciated.

About this Version

This version of the DRL XML Schema set has been developed according to the DRL specification of drools release 2.0-BETA-1.7 (October, 2004) It is a modification of the DRL XML Schema developed for version 1 BETA that was made available to the drools community in September, 2003.

This version replaces all previous versions of the drools DRL schema. This version has been verified using MS, Xerces, XSV, and XMLmind W3C Standard Schema processing tools and has successfully validated all DRL sample files available in the drools code base at the time of release. The validity of the DRL sample file set was confirmed by the drools development team (including empty rule-sets).

This version is designed to perform the most stringent checking of DRL file structure. Every tag and tag attribute is specified, including those defined for the java, python, and groovy semantic modules. The base schema (drl.xsd) also specifies a test to see that each (java, python, or groovy) attribute matches a parameter.identifier or declaration.identifier attribute.

Content within semantic module tags is defined as text. This schema set does not specify any test to validate application objects within semantic module tags. Work is underway however, to provide deeper validation with the addition of non-W3C-Standard schema processing.

Use of tags defined for semantic modules other than java, python, and groovy is strictly prohibited in this version of the base schema. Instructions in this document however, explain how support for additional semantic modules may be added to the base schema and how support for semantic modules prohibited for an application may be removed.

Download the DRL Schema Set

You may download the DRL schema set and instructions in a
zip file. The schema set is Open Source. You may use and distribute the source code free of charge, subject to the Open Source License Agreement that is included in the schema files.

Basically, you are required to acknowledge the author and include acknowledgment and the license agreement with any and all distribution of the code or any derivative. In other words, do not delete the license agreement and author information from the source code. Just add comments to document any changes you make. In addition to being honest, that will help you adapt to any new versions that become available, because you will have documented specific differences between the versions on your site and the originals. You, your clients, and your company will have the information needed for successful and efficient maintenance, even if it involves adopting to a major new drools release with a new DRL format.

Additional tools and extensions to DRL logic that make use of the schema are also in the works by independent developers such as myself. Making systematic adjustments to the schema set with proper documentation intact will avoid chaos in the flow of work and processing related to the schema and simplify integration of future tools and extensions.

Installing the Schemata

You may place the DRL base schema (drl.xsd) wherever you wish, so long as it is accessible when you run a schema processor. In other sections of this document (
Preparing your DRL files and DRL File Validation) there are instructions for specifying the location of the base schema. A reasonable suggestion for placement of the base schema is {schemas}/org/drools/rule/, where {schemas} is your system's schemas subdirectory. This location corresponds to class locations for drools. The base schema corresponds to the classes in subdirectory {classes}/org/drools/rule/.

You may place the other semantic support schemata (java.xsd, python.xsd, and groovy.xsd) anywhere you wish, so long as they are accessible when you run a schema processor. Specify the locations of the other semantic specific schemata in the base schema (drl.xsd) as described below.

{It is recommended that you complete this next step even if you are aware of and prefer alternative approaches. This installation does not rely on other components for semantic specific schemata locations. Once this installation is verified, you can create custom versions to your specifications.}

  <xs:import namespace=""
             schemaLocation="anyURI/java.xsd" />
  <xs:import namespace=""
             schemaLocation="anyURI/python.xsd" />
  <xs:import namespace=""
             schemaLocation="anyURI/groovy.xsd" />
Use the complete file path (anyURI / filename) to specify schemaLocation, indicating where you have placed the schemata for the semantic modules (corresponding to supported programming languages).

It is best to carefully place all three semantic support schemata and specify all three locations when you first install the schemata whether or not you currently intend to use all three. Once you have verified the complete installation (making use of sample DRL files that came with drools), you can create custom versions of the base schema according to instructions in this document: Removing Semantic Module Support and Adding a New Semantic Module. Note that if support for a specific language is not completely removed, then the location of its corresponding schema must be specified.

If you are installing on a local machine, the URI will look something like the following examples.

Note that forward slashed (/) are used even if you are running in the MS Windows OS. A path specification that uses backslashes (\) is not valid in this context.

If you are installing on an Internet server and will access through http, the URI will look something like the following examples.

Preparing your DRL files

Installing the Schemata explains that the base schema (drl.xsd) must be located in a place that is accessible when you run a schema processor, and also suggests a subdirectory. To prepare your DRL files for schema processing, you need to define namespaces, define the DRL file as an XMLSchema-instance, and specify the schemaLocation of the base schema (drl.xsd).

{If sample DRLs that you find in the zip download fail to validate, check the schema location as explained below.}
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rule-set name="Your Choice Of Names"
   xsi:schemaLocation=" anyURI/drl.xsd">
If you are installing on a local machine, the file path will look something like the following example.
Note that forward slashed (/) are used even if you are running in the MS Windows OS. A path specification that uses backslashes (\) is not valid in this context.

If you are installing on an Internet server and will access through http, the URL will look something like the following examples.

DRL File Validation

Use drl_msxsd.htm to run the Microsoft XML validator, which is the easiest to use and I think most convenient for quick checks while writing a DRL file. Modify validate.bat to use Xerces 2 or XSV. Modifying the batch file involves changing paths to the location of your Xerces or XSV jar files. Validate.bat can also run IBM's schema processor. I have not used the IBM processor, and only know that it uses online components.

To run drl_msxsd.htm, you have to make sure that the JavaScript line

  var xsd_files = new Array("drl.xsd");
knows where drl.xsd is. If drl.xsd is not in the same directory as drl_msxsd.htm, modify the argument to provide the path to drl.xsd (using forward slashes /). You of course have to have Microsoft's XML processing software installed for this to work. Just try it first. If you don't have it, there's a link on the html page that tells you where to get the download. It's easy to install and use, and it was certainly free when I got it - I assume it still is.

Specifying the location of the base schema (drl.xsd) may seem to conflict with instructions in
Preparing your DRL files. You have already been instructed to specify the location of the base schema in your DRL files. The specification of the location of the base schema in the MS schema processor script overrides the specification in the DRL file and is a feature of the processor script. It is possible to re-write the script in a number of ways and additional MS Schema processor scripts might be provided in the future if there is sufficient demand.

The current version of the MS Schema processor script will check a DRL file that does not specify a schema.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rule-set name="fibonacci"
          <!-- without XMLSchema-instance and schemaLocation -->
You can still verify the base schema location in your DRL files by copy-pasting the schemaLocation of the base schema to the MS Schema processor script or by running one of the other (strict validation) schema processors without providing a schema location as an argument.

Adding a New Semantic Module

To adapt the schema set to allow use of an alternative semantic module, a new semantic module specific schema must be created and the base schema (drl.xsd) must be modified. The base schema provided with this download supports java, python, and groovy semantics. So it provides examples of exactly what needs to be specified and how. This instruction relies on the fact that there is existing support for semantics in the base schema, asking that you search for and duplicate existing semantic support elements.

  1. Create a semantic module specific schema. See java.xsd, python.xsd, and groovy.xsd for examples.
  2. Add a semantic module namespace specification to the xs:schema tag in drl.xsd. Java, python, and groovy namespace specifications are examples in this version of drl.xsd.
  3. Add an import element for the new semantic module schema. Java, python, and groovy import specifications are examples in this version of drl.xsd.
  4. Search for use of a semantic module namespace. (java:, python:, or groovy:) For every reference to existing specialized semantic module namespace (java:, python:, groovy:), consider whether the new semantic module supports that element. (extractor, condition, consequence, class) If the new semantic module supports the element, duplicate one copy of the element and change the namespace reference. (For example: dog:extractor rather than java:extractor if "dog" refers to your new namespace)
If your application requires use of the new semantic module for some elements, it would be a good idea to delete support for alternatives while executing step #4. To completely remove support for one or more semantic modules, see
Removing Semantic Module Support in this document.

Removing Semantic Module Support

If you wish to remove some but not all support for a particular semantic module, apply the delete instruction that follows step #4 in section
Adding a New Semantic Module of this document.

This section explains how to completely remove support for a semantic module, thereby prohibiting any reference to elements of that semantic module in a DRL.

Modify the base schema (drl.xsd) as follows to completely eliminate support for a semantic module.

  1. Delete the semantic module specific namespace declaration from the xs:schema element.
  2. Delete the semantic module specific xs:import element.
  3. Remove the semantic module specific reference to the extractor element from keyref "targetToIdentifier".
  4. Search and delete all elements that are defined in the specific semantic module namespace. For example, searching for "java:", "python:", or "groovy:" will yield the elements that are defined in the java, python, or groovy semantic module namespaces.


Thanks to drools users and developers for their encouragement during development of the BETA release of the schema set for the original version of DRL. If it had not been for the interest of Bob McWhirter of
The Werken Company, I would probably not have proceeded on drools schema development with as much gusto. From the experience, I have become confident that schema development is extremely important. I believe its importance will be demonstrated during future development of drools; with the foresight of drools and application developers who work with the schemata, down the road as system managers face requirements for traffic control, by innovative developments related to DRLs and schema related tools, and probably all of the above.

I would also like to thank W3C Schools for providing beginning W3C Schema tutorials to everyone who has access to the Internet, and Roger L. Costello for contributions to advanced Schema education.

At this point, we all must admit that it kind-of looks like some of the W3C Standards might just work out.

User Feedback and Discussion

The author welcomes feedback, comments, thanks, congratulations, and civilized how-do-you-do-s via
email. Drools users, developers, and watchers can also provide feedback and discuss all drools related issues by joining the drools community.