This page was created on August 29, 1999
Last changed on December 7, 2006
Roger F. Gay, Project Leader
Project for the Improvement of Child Support Litigation Technology (PICSLT) is an R&D project that focuses on the science, engineering, and application of child support guidelines. Project work began in 1989 with investigations at Intelligent Systems Research Corporation (ISR) and has continued as an independent project since 1994.
The project invites interaction with other researchers interested in child support science and technology and those who are seriously interested in legal reform, including child support guideline review commissions. Project work is non-partisan, non-gender oriented, and not affiliated with special interest groups. Progress has been made on the science of child support decision making since the federally mandated presumptive use of child support guidelines began in 1989. International interest is also invited.
To learn more about the project, click on the project description link below.
Note: This page provides special focus on a broad set of issues related to child support studies. For a full list of PICSLT articles, see the Reports, Studies, Commentary, and Testimony page. For articles oriented to the general public, see Men's News Daily
Top Focus: Visitation and Custody
Constitutionality of Child Support Guidelines