He played in Peru , sponsored by the National Institue of Lima´s Culture.He recorded his lasts songs for 2 records that were never edited.Recorded "Canto por Travesura" , collection of Chiles picaresque folk music , which was never for sale.The 11th deptember of 1973 was Victor on his way to Technical University , his work place, where he would sing for the opening of an exhibition ,where President Allende would give a speach.The military rodeated the university campus , taken the teachers and students as prisoners .Victor Jara was taken to the Chile Stadium and torturated.He died the 16 september , after his 41 birthday.His body was found in the morgue as Anonymous.

In 1976 , under an interview with former political-social person Danilo Bartulin , in Mexico, he speaks about the last combat of "compañero presidente"("President comrade", referrring to Salvador Allende).Bartulin witnessed Jara´s lasts days in the Chile Stadium.What´s following is a Danilo Bartulin´s telling.

the story of Danilo Bartulin

"After that, Jara and I got separated of the other prisoners, and got caught in a cold corridor.They were hitting us from 7 p.m. until 3 a.m.We were lying on the ground , not able to move, isolated from the other poitical prisoners.At about 3 a.m. a tennant came, who invited me to sit, and started asking questions about Allende, and offered me a cigarette.I somked , while Jara was still on the ground.I gave him half the cigarette , because the tennant woiuldn't give him one.We were almost three days in Chile´s Stadium, Victor and I.They almost would¨'t even feed us , so we drinked lots.Victor has his face full of scars , and his eye was damaged.We talked a lot , he told me about his family , his wife and daughters , who he loved so much, about his thetarer plays , and the new songs he dreamed of making.In the very Stadium were we were incarcerated he had been aplauded when he won the contest of New Chilean Song.Vicor was pessimsitic about his destiny, not believeing in a possible escape.I tried to animate him, but even when he could suspect his near death, he was still the same , full of dignity , joking with the soldiers..."

"The Stadium was full by 5000 people.To keep the prisoners in control , they were lighted with huges light bulbs.Hard weapons were pointing at the ammunition, to scare them."

"Next they started to remove the prisoner to the National Stadium, where it was easier for military to control them.In the last group to leave were Victor and I.We were about 50 persons.Suddenly came commmandant Manrique , checked the line and ordered Victor Jara , Litre Quiroga and me to leave."Let them downstairs", he commanded.I knew that "downstairs", was death waiting for us.There they had habiltated a chamber, with a closet and several bathrooms.Many of our comrades were taken there , but nobody ever came back.Once I was led to the interrogatory chamber , and , on my way there , I saw lots of dead bodies ,unmembered bodies.They took the bodies and threw them to the streets."

"Jara and I were taken "downstairs", in the same bathroom.In the one next to ours, were Lire Quiroga.Victor and I understood that we did not had salvation:we were the last prisoners in Chile´s Stadium.But suddenly it was ordered for me to leave.Victor and I said good-bye without actually saying it.I was taken into a car , and the door was closen.The truck was full of prisoners.We ended at the Stadium.When we got there I finally understood why they wouldn't let me be with Jara in the Death Chamber.When they saw me among the prisoners, a coronel said:"That´s him.He will tell us all he know about Allende"

"Then a constant questioning and torturing took place.They want to make us "confess" to devaluate the life and personality of the popular president.Three times I was tricked into being killed.Then I learned that the body of Victor was found near the Metropolitan cemetery, and the corpse of Litre Quiroga in a street in Santiago.Of course the military killed that very night the two prisoners left in the Chile Stadium, and then threw their bodies in the city, so it would look like it they had died in a street shoot"

In this way ends Danilo Bartulin his story, remembering that the bandits of the military had telled about the singer pointing them mith a militar gun, and then they killed in delf defende.But Victor Jara´s only weapon was his guitar.They torturated Danilo Bartulin to force him to give the possible information he could give as the president´s personal doctor.The question is , which secrets could the singer know about him?.Victor was killed and torturated because they hated his songs.

A letter sent to The Tropa Cosmica,Silvio Rodriguez´s own e-mail list , of which I am member.

Dead to Fascism!

Viva the heroical resistence of the chilean people!

Viva the Latinoamerican Revolution!

Victor Jara´s Picture Frames

Thanks to Peppe for the Victor Jara's title.