"Victor Jara.Murdered under the dictatorship of Pinochet, Benjo Cruz , falled during his participation in the Bolivian guerrilla in Teponte , Jorge Serrano , Uruguayan fusilated when the taken of Pando, are living symbols of the imposibility of the imperialistisc enemy for silencing the collective voice of our latinoamerican countries."There are musicians that only love their music"-once said comrade Haydee Santamaria , and agregated what is true for Victor , Jorge and Benjo-:"And musicians that love their people".To this group belongs Victor Jara , who I met ,who I sang with , who I kept dialogues and discussions from each singing point of view, together in the common object of looking for other humanity."
Daniel Viglietti.
When I was a kid, I'd listen lots of Jara's music, without actually understanding what it was about.Later on, I would.I read an article written by Joan Jara, Victor's wife , where she asks how can one forgive those who don't regret , aiming at the chilean goverment.I haven't read so much about Jara in english on the Internet, so i decided to write a little.There is more to come, and we won't forget him.Hasta siempre, Enver.
the life and work of Victor Jara
the Music of Jara
Most of the Informaton in this page was taken from the following server: http://spin.com.mx/~hvelarde/Chile/Victor/ , with permission from the owner.Please e-mail him at judo@servidor.unam.mx or me at the Envernet , for further information.
He was born the 28 of september 1932 , his parents were farmers: Amanda and Manuel Jara,who was a singer.Victor spend his childhood in Lonquén, close to the capital and his youth in Santiago, in the Población Nogales.When his mother died, he started stuying at the University Seminario Redentorista de San Bernardo, for more than a year.Never had any musical scholarship:his mother taught him to play the guitar , and he learned Gregorian Singing at the Seminario.1953 .When 21 years old, he became a part of the Chile University Choir, participating in the play of "Carmina Burana" , and starting his work of folk music recopilation and investigation.On 1956 he started on the Mime Company of Noisvander.Between 1956 and 1962 he studied Acting and , late , Directing in the Theater School of the of the University of Chile, being part , as a pupil , in several productions of the Company of the Institue of Theater of the same University , Ituch.
1957 he became part of the Folk Dances and Singings "Cuncumén".He has also his first contacs with the singer Violeta Parra.1960 he helped in the Directing of "La Viuda de Apablaza"(Apablaza´s widow), written by Germám Luco Cruchaga , for Ituch.Later .He directed "La Mandrágora" of Machiavello.On 1961 , he travelled as a Artistic Director with "Cucumén" in Holland , France , Russia , Zech, Polland , Rumanien and Bulgarien.Jara composed "Paloma quiero contarte" , a song that initiated his work as a musician and as a poet.He was also Direction´s Assistent for Agustín Siré , in the play "La Madre de los Conejos",of Alejandro Sieveking.1962:He finished his studies of Theater Directing , and directed "Ánimas del Día Claro" , of Alejandro Sieveking for the Ituch company.
He recorded "Paloma Quiero Contarte" and "La Canción del Minero" , both in th LP "Folklore Chileno" with the "Cucumén" group for the Emi-Odeón record company.Between 1963 and 1968 he worked as a Director for the Academy of Folk Music , in the Culture´s House in Ñuñoa.1963 he is Directing´s Assistent of Atahualpa of Cioppo , in the Bertold Bretch play "El Círculo the Tiza" , for Ituch.Same year he directed Egon Wolf "The Invadors" for Ituch , "Parecido a la Felicidad" (written for Alejandro Sieveking), for University of Chile´s television Networks channel 9, and "Dúo" , written by Raúl Ruíz , for the company "Los Cuatro".1965 he composed the music and directed the play "La Remolienda" , of Alejandro Sieveking , for Ituch.He directed "La Maña" , written by Ann Jellicoe , for Ituch.He won the "Laurel de Oro" prize as Best Director of the year for the named plays and "Best Directed Play of the Year",from periodist company "La Crítica" , for the play "La Maña".
Between 1966 he directed "La Casa Vieja" of Abelardo Estorino ,for Ituch;he helped William Oliver in the Direction of the play "Marat Sade" , written by Peter Weiss , also for Ituch. For University of Chile´s television Networks channel 9 he directed (again) "La Remolienda" , of Alejandro Sieveking.
1966 came his first LP as a soloist , by the record company "Arena" , under the name of "Victor Jara"
Next year, 1967 he recorded "Victor Jara" and "Canciones Folklóricas de América" together with Quilapayún, by Emi-Odeón.He directec "La Remolienda" , again, and was invited to England , as a Theater Director , by the Brittish Conseil.He won the prize of "La Crítica" for his direction of the play "Entretenimiento a Mr. Sloane" , and the Silver Plate of record company Emi-Odeón.On 1969 he directed "Viet-rock" of Megan Terry , for Ituch , and "Antígonas" of Sophoclesfor , in the Theater Company of the University Católica.He was guest in the same School.
Won first prize in the "Primer Festival de la Nueva Canción Chilena" , with the theme "Plegaria a un Labrador". Jara travelled to Helsinski , and was invited to sing in a Youth World Reunion for Vietnam, in Finland´s capital.The Dicap record company edited Victor's first LP , "Pongo en tus manos Abiertas".1970 he was invited to a International Theater Dialogue in Berlin.He paticipated in the First Congress of Latinoamerican Theater in Buenos Aires.He quited the Theater Institute of the Chile University to play concerts over the country, as the same time as the electoral runs of the "Unidad Popular".Emi-Odeón edited a new LP of him:"Canto Libre".1971 he worked hard with composer Celso Garrido Lecca , for the music for the ballet "Los Siete Estados" , written by Patricio Bunster, for the National Ballet.
He started , together with Isabel Parra and Inti-Illimani , the Communications Department of the Technical University.As a Cultural Ambassador for the Unidad Popular goverment , he performed and played in television all over México , Costa Rica , Colombia , Venezuela , Peru and Argentina.Gave the LP "El Derecho de Vivir en Paz", and won the "Laurel de Oro" prize as the best composer of the year.
Between 1972 and 1973 he composed the music for Chile´s National Television.On 1972 he investigated and recompilated testimonies in poblation "Hermida de La Victoria" , whiich are part of his LP "La Población" (for Dicap record company).He concerted in Russia and Cuba,and was invited to the Latinoamerican Music Congress, organizated by "La Casa de las Américas" in Habana.He directed a hommage to Pablo Neruda in the National Stadium , when the poet returned to Chile, after winning the Nobel Prize.He was invited by the farmers of Ranquil for the creation of a musical about the place.He gets together with the voluntarial work that took place because of the Strike of truck drivers that aimed to paralize the country.On 1973, Jara participated in the parlamentary electoral campaign , concerting for the candidates of Unidad Popular.He directed and participated as a singer in a cycle of television programs against the Civil War and Fascism, answering the call of Pabo Neruda.
He played in Peru , sponsored by the National Institue of Lima´s Culture.He recorded his lasts songs for 2 records that were never edited.Recorded "Canto por Travesura" , collection of Chiles picaresque folk music , which was never for sale.The 11th deptember of 1973 was Victor on his way to Technical University , his work place, where he would sing for the opening of an exhibition ,where President Allende would give a speach.The military rodeated the university campus , taken the teachers and students as prisoners .Victor Jara was taken to the Chile Stadium and torturated.He died the 16 september , after his 41 birthday.His body was found in the morgue as Anonymous.
In 1976 , under an interview with former political-social person Danilo Bartulin , in Mexico, he speaks about the last combat of "compañero presidente"("President comrade", referrring to Salvador Allende).Bartulin witnessed Jara´s lasts days in the Chile Stadium.What´s following is a Danilo Bartulin´s telling.
"When I got caught , I was taken to Chile´s Stadium.That was the afternoon on september 12th.There were many prisoners there already.As the others , we were standing in lines with the hands on our heads.Suddenly an officer recognized me:"That is Allende´s doctor!!".The commandant Manrique , a outrageous fascist , got close to me , pointed his gun at my head and said:"your hour has comen".And , to the other soldiers , he ordered to separate me and put me alone with him.I saw a group of youngsters that were fearful by the guns.They said to the commandant "Those are from the Thecnical University".They got them in lines too.Manrique checked the lines and aimed his fist to one of them."I want him too".I couldn´t believe my eyes:this was Victor Jara.Many soldiers got excited:"This is the singer Jara...", but the officer stopped them:"This mister wants to take Jara´s place.He is an extremist leader".That was enough for them to assasin him."
"After that, Jara and I got separated of the other prisoners, and got caught in a cold corridor.They were hitting us from 7 p.m. until 3 a.m.We were lying on the ground , not able to move, isolated from the other poitical prisoners.At about 3 a.m. a tennant came, who invited me to sit, and started asking questions about Allende, and offered me a cigarette.I somked , while Jara was still on the ground.I gave him half the cigarette , because the tennant woiuldn't give him one.We were almost three days in Chile´s Stadium, Victor and I.They almost would¨'t even feed us , so we drinked lots.Victor has his face full of scars , and his eye was damaged.We talked a lot , he told me about his family , his wife and daughters , who he loved so much, about his thetarer plays , and the new songs he dreamed of making.In the very Stadium were we were incarcerated he had been aplauded when he won the contest of New Chilean Song.Vicor was pessimsitic about his destiny, not believeing in a possible escape.I tried to animate him, but even when he could suspect his near death, he was still the same , full of dignity , joking with the soldiers..."
"The Stadium was full by 5000 people.To keep the prisoners in control , they were lighted with huges light bulbs.Hard weapons were pointing at the ammunition, to scare them."
"Next they started to remove the prisoner to the National Stadium, where it was easier for military to control them.In the last group to leave were Victor and I.We were about 50 persons.Suddenly came commmandant Manrique , checked the line and ordered Victor Jara , Litre Quiroga and me to leave."Let them downstairs", he commanded.I knew that "downstairs", was death waiting for us.There they had habiltated a chamber, with a closet and several bathrooms.Many of our comrades were taken there , but nobody ever came back.Once I was led to the interrogatory chamber , and , on my way there , I saw lots of dead bodies ,unmembered bodies.They took the bodies and threw them to the streets."
"Jara and I were taken "downstairs", in the same bathroom.In the one next to ours, were Lire Quiroga.Victor and I understood that we did not had salvation:we were the last prisoners in Chile´s Stadium.But suddenly it was ordered for me to leave.Victor and I said good-bye without actually saying it.I was taken into a car , and the door was closen.The truck was full of prisoners.We ended at the Stadium.When we got there I finally understood why they wouldn't let me be with Jara in the Death Chamber.When they saw me among the prisoners, a coronel said:"That´s him.He will tell us all he know about Allende"
"Then a constant questioning and torturing took place.They want to make us "confess" to devaluate the life and personality of the popular president.Three times I was tricked into being killed.Then I learned that the body of Victor was found near the Metropolitan cemetery, and the corpse of Litre Quiroga in a street in Santiago.Of course the military killed that very night the two prisoners left in the Chile Stadium, and then threw their bodies in the city, so it would look like it they had died in a street shoot"
In this way ends Danilo Bartulin his story, remembering that the bandits of the military had telled about the singer pointing them mith a militar gun, and then they killed in delf defende.But Victor Jara´s only weapon was his guitar.They torturated Danilo Bartulin to force him to give the possible information he could give as the president´s personal doctor.The question is , which secrets could the singer know about him?.Victor was killed and torturated because they hated his songs.
A letter sent to The Tropa Cosmica,Silvio Rodriguez´s own e-mail list , of which I am member.
Declaration of the Movement of the Nueva Trova for the Death of Victor Jara in hands of the Fascist Groups of Chile.
Victor Jara was a warrior for his people, with songs and guns.He died facing the fascist terror that a Militar movement has imposed in Chile, with help from the Yankee imperialism and their latinoamericans comrades.He fought for the proletarian and the student in Santiago , who daringly fought the Militar Cup , in regard of the conquists made by the Goverment of Unidad Popular.He fought those who , by persecuting and incarcerating of leftists and left-intellectuals and burning books, are reviving in this our brother country the terror of the Hitlerian fascist Germany.
We, young cuban artists, that , as Victor , dedicate our work to singing the Class War against imperialism, sees in his heroic and militant acts an example to follow for those who make art, even when risking their lives, another gun of the Revolution.We reaffirm our combative solidaritywith the brothers of Chile, who resist with guns in their hands the fascist slam,among them those who has always seen singing as the first combative force together with the people.Many of them remain adressless to us.We got together with the international movement of rage against the brutal fascist slamand demand, just as the revolutionary forces, progressive and loving of peace in the whole world, respect for the lifeanf physical integrity of comrade Luis Corvalan , General Secretary of the Communist Party in Chile , and of all the revolucionaries tha suffers abuses under encarceration and concentracion camps.
We are convinced that , under this Militar Cup if fascism in Chile, the people´s resistence will take revenge of the crimes to the pro-imperialist animality , wich has taken the power, assasinated the heroical and unforgettable Salvador Allende, and detroyed and abused thousand of his best sons.
Victor Jara and his war comrades will live forever in the heart of all revolutionaries.
Dead to Fascism!
Viva the heroical resistence of the chilean people!
Viva the Latinoamerican Revolution!
Nueva Trova Movement:Vicente Feliu , Silvio Rodriguez, Tony Piniella, Noel Nicola, Sara Gonzales, Carlos Alfonso...and many more.
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