This is a websight about police and related issues.. You can E mail questions concerning police and also about law.. I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability and hopefully in a timely manner..
I have retired as of May 1, 2005, and hopefully I can satisfy at least some of your curiosity about policing, and why things are done the way that they are..
Any time that somebody calls you and says that
they are raising funds for some sort of police organization, ask
them their name and a number where you can reach them..Then call
your local or state police department to verify that they are legitimate.NEVER,
NEVER, Give charge card numbers to strangers over the phone, or
now even the internet..
Did this name come about during the Sixties and Seventies when flower power was the name of the game, when the anti establishment crowd was around? But there could also be an alternative meaning to the word pig.
Remember, we are only human, and not Superman or Batman.. They are only in the comics. We have our good and bad days like everybody else..We are really a good bunch of guys and gals..
Something for you to think about, especially those of you with small children.911 is for emergency use only. We've had days where we're answering 911 hangup calls all day because kids are playing with the phone. We have to rush to get there and find out that it was for nothing. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad when a call is not an emergency, but this wastes valuable police manpower and can endanger other lives as well, because we are tied up answering the 911 call. But remember, if you do have to use 911, please do so. If you are not sure if the call is an emergency, then treat it as if it is and do not hesitate to dial 911.
Ok, Ok, I know that I'm starting to bore you, but please don't always try to beat the red light.. The life that you save may be your own.
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Police, as all emergency workers do, have a great deal of stress
on the job. They deal with it in all different ways, as any other
worker would. Some have healthy outlets to relieve it such as
hobbies or working out. Others take the unhealthy way of
relieving it such as alcohol, drugs, or taking it out on their families.
This is very dangerous, as well as possibly ruining the person's
career or entire life. It's very sad when you see this happen to
someone. It hurts them and their entire family, and friends. It
is extremely important to have an outlet for stress, as too much
stress can kill you, [heart attacks, hypertension, etc.], but
please, all you fellow workers in all fields, make your outlet a
safe one.