Now, this is going to be the English one...

Homepage of Guido Thieme

     Have you ever been in Belarus? No? But you should have! The country is beautyful and the people is very special. I am going to provide you with some informations very soon, but until that, I will give you some hot links to find out quite a bit about my beloved Belarus.

     At first: No, I am not a Belarusan at all, even if I use to behave like I were. I lived in the town of Hrodna (near the borderline to Poland) and worked there for one year as a teatcher of German language at the Hrodna school for the blind. As far as my Hrodna-page is not ready jet in its English version, I strictly recommend you to visit the page of Alex Artsyukhovich, who is known to be a Belarusan and to have his roots in Hrodna. Really, fine page!

Links to and about Belarus:

E-mail  me, please!