FROC Area Statistics


Total Persons* 24,174

Age Distribution

Under 5 1,813
5 - 17 3,187
18 - 24 2,213
25 - 44 8,017
45 - 64 4,741
65 + 2,106
Median Age: 32.2

Racial Composition

White 9,398
Black 13,445
Hispanic 418
All Others** 913
*100% count of persons
**Includes American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, Asian, Pacific Islander, and other races

Household Composition

Total Households 10,495
Non-Family Households 4,873
Female Householder, no spouse with related children under 18 1,714
Average Household Size 2.29
Total Families 5,564


Median Household Income $29,004
Median Family Income $34,906
Per Capita Income $15,782

Educational Attainment

Persons 25+
No High School Diploma 3,144
High School Graduate 4,211
Some College/Associate Degree 5,028
Bachelor's Degree 1,733
Graduate Degree 836


Total Housing Units* 12,499
Single Family, Detached 5,534
Single Family, Attached 982
Two Family 1,119
Multi Family 4,855
Occupied Housing Units 10,359
Owner Occupied 4,465
Renter Occupied 5,910
Total Vacant 2,124
% vacant 17%
Median Gross Rent $378
1999 Average Single Family Sale Price $65,483
*100% count of units


1991-1999 10,495
1985-1990 6,974
1980-1984 1,818
1970-1979 1,535
1960-1969 650
before 1960 807


Civilian Labor Force

Persons 16+
Employed 11,052
Unemployed 830
Not in Work Force 6,412

Employment by Industry

Agriculture, Mining, & Construction 415
Manufacturing 1,626
Transportation & Utilities 672
Professional & Administrative 936
Trade 1,226
Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate 1,338
Services 3,434
Government 797


Estimated number of Registered Voters* 12,800
Number of Eligible Voters** 17,156
*Source:Montgomery County Board of Elections as of July 1993.
** Based on Age 18+ from 2000 Census


Number of Parcels

Agricultural 0
Residential 1,561
Commercial 1,480
Industrial 3
Exempt* 207
*Exempt excludes parcels owned by churches, schools, & government.
Source: 1990 Montgomery County Auditor's file.


Total above Poverty 18,907
Total Below Poverty 4,709
% Below Poverty 19.9%

1970 - 2000 Comparison

1970 1980 1990 2000 % Change
Total Population 33,082 27,126 26,516 24,174 -27%
Black Population N/A 4,124 8,330 13,445 +69%
Households 13,339 12,577 11,649 10,495 -21%
Housing Units 13,901 14,137 13,462 12,499 -10%
%Owner 38% 36% 35% 36%
%Renter 59% 53% 53% 47%
%Vacant 4% 12% 13% 17%

Primary Source: 2000 Census of Population & Housing,
Summary Tape File 3 (Sample Counts).
2000 U. S. Bureau of Census/Northern Ohio
Data & Information Service.
Prepared By: The City of Dayton
Department of Planning
Division of Planning Systems
101 West Third St.
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Phone: (937)443-3670

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