Great Ronald Reagan Quotes

"I used to say that Politics is the second oldest profession, but I have come to realize that it bears a gross similarity to the first."

From a 1980 Campaign Speech

"When you see all of the smoke billowing up from the Democrats, ladies and gentlemen, I'd follow the advice of their nominee; Don't Inhale."

Republican National Convention, 1992

This fellow they've nominated claims to be the new Thomas Jefferson. Well, Mr. Clinton, let me tell you something; I knew Thomas Jefferson. He was a friend of mine and Governor...You're no THOMAS JEFFERSON !!

Republican National Convention, 1992

I sure hope that you are all Republicans.

Said to the Surgeons as he entered the operating room, March 30, 1981

We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free.

Normandy, France, June 6, 1984

We will never forget them nor the last time that we saw them -- this morning, as they prepared for the journey, and waved good-bye, and slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the Face of God.

Excerpt from Challenger disaster speech, January 28, 1986

How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone that reads Marx and Lenin. How do you tell an Anti-Communist? It's some one that understands Marx and Lenin.

Remarks in Arlington, Virginia, September 25, 1987

Mr. Gorbachev, Open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

Excerpt from speech at the Berlin Wall, 1987

A friend of mine was invited to a costume party a short time ago. He slapped some egg on his face and went as a Liberal Economist

February 11, 1988

Republicans believe that everyday is the 4th of July, while the Democrats wish everyday was April 15th.

April 15, 1986

Cures were developed for which there were no known diseases.

Commenting on the 1981 Congressional Budget

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