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This site builds on the Ph.D. course ADL 721 Policy Development and is designed to continuously provide current policy development resources to students, faculty and others who are interested in the analysis and development of policy in academic settings. Grover Starling in his textbook "Strategies for Policy Making," states: "A policy is a general statement of aims or goals. It is not quite the same thing as a plan, which is best thought of as specified means for achieving the goals of policy. Thus a policy is a kind of guide that delimits action; it is much more open-ended than a plan...The human mind does not work in an analytical fashion. Faced with complex problems involving uncertainty and trade-offs between important objectives, we tend to deny the existence of the uncertainty by establishing strong beliefs about the future. Similarly, we deny the existence of competing objectives and pursue them all, despite the contradictions. To compensate for these cognitive tendencies, the self-discipline of analysis is required." This site contains numerous pages with a substantial amount of information on each page. You may want to use the "Find..." option on the "Edit" pull down menu to assist in your quest for more information. Each page is generally broken into at least three sections: Counseling, Educational Leadership, and Technology. Throughout this site, the current project manager has noted sites of special interest
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Original project designer: Sean
Gallagan, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Division of Schools of Choice
Current project designer: Sean
Gallagan, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Division of Schools of Choice
Barry University
ADL 721: Policy Development
Tom H. Foote,
Last modified: December 11, 1997