Welcome to the Committees of Correspondence Home Page
You should read this document if you believe
- Your vote no longer counts at the polls
- The Bill of Rights no longer protects you
- You pay far too much in taxes
- You no longer get justice in the courts
- The Government has too many faceless bureaucracies
You can help fellow patriots solve these problems
- Help restore the Constitutional Republic
- Help restore and strengthen the Bill of Rights
- Help limit taxes
- Restore justice in America
- Help put teeth into the Constitution
We need serious Thinkers who will read and correspond with other members of the committee, in the spirit of our forefathers. There are no Games on this page, no graphics to slow downloading.
Send us your comments and ideas
This is not intended to be an idle exercise, a utopia for a theorist. It should be a working document to define a future government. It should define the causes and cures in a well thought out, but simple, manner. Most people can recognize a simple truth when it is put to them. It is our job to provide that simple truth.
Please submit your comments, ideas, and reasons to the Committees of Correspondence at
nhull@isp.com . Comments may be published as part of this document. Please include your name, address, phone number, e-mail address unless you wish to remain anonymous.
At the bottom of each page, you will find the following table of document headings to help you navigate. We suggest that you read the letter first, followed by the introduction. The Table of Contents contains a full list of all headings and subheadings.
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Nick Hull, < nhull@isp.com >
Secretary, Committees of Correspondence
2702 Kimbrell Road, Lenoir City, Tennessee 37772
Original 11/10/1996. Modified 12/24/1997, 09/30/2000
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