Photo Gallery

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Koehler’s Raiders

Text Box: The Association of Former Coin Depot Employees

Alan Reilley (Supv.) waits at the window with an unidentified competitor at the Federal Reserve Bank in NYC.

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, the CDC Psitol Team is firing a string during an Army L style match.

(From l to r, Teddy Beveridge, Joe Horn, Bob Tarwacki.)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, John Allan, as usual, is being a bit “cranky.”


(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, Joe Horn and Bob Tarwacki in conversation during a practice session.

Mike Fass is on the left.

(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, Joe Horn is at center, while Teddy Beveridge is down range, wondering where his shots went.

(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

Inside Coin Depot , Elizabeth, Randy Vail (Supv.) gets ready to rally the troops.


(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, Charlie Marchak and I. Michael Fass appear to be discussing the finer points of terminal ballistics.

(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, team members

“read ’em and weep.”


 (Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, Teddy Beveridge seems relaxed.


 (Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, Teddy Beveridge has just discovered that he has been under surveillance.

 (Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, Mike Fass and Charlie Marchak get ready to approach the firing line.


(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, John Allan prepares to turn the tables on Ed Depaolo.


(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, Bob Tarwacki seems to be ready for anything with police raincoat  in hand.

(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

At the Woodbridge Police pistol range, Tom McDonough prepeares to engage fire with his deadly .45 caliber Colt pistol.

(Photo by Ed Depaolo)

In another place and time, Bob Tarwacki makes a collar in Washington Heights.


(Photo courtesy of Manhattan DA’s Office.)