

Bylaws & Constitution



We, the members of the Mercer County Young Democrats, do hereby establish this Constitution on March 15, 1997 in order to further the goals of the Democratic party and to demonstrate our commitment to the community. 

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be "Mercer County Young Democrats." 

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the Mercer County Young Democrats shall be to support and elect candidates of the Democratic Party, to encourage a more pluralistic participation in the Democratic Party and the political process, and foster a better community in Mercer County. 

Article III: Membership

Section 1. -- Qualifications 

Any resident of Mercer County between the ages of 16 and 29 who is willing to foster, maintain, and promote the activities and interests of the Democratic Party in Mercer County may apply for membership. He or she shall be presented to the membership at the next regular meeting of the organization for induction as a member. 

Section 2 -- Rights and Privileges of Members 

All members shall have the right to be heard at least once on a question of order, shall have the right to question all officers and committee chairpersons as to their activities on behalf of the organization, shall have the right to inspect and examine the minutes of the meetings and all financial records of the organization upon written request and notice, and shall have the right to vote at all meetings when in compliance with the provisions of these bylaws. Membership entitles said member to all provisions of these bylaws and, when in good standing, said member has full voting rights. 

Article IV: Officers

Section 1 -- Offices 

The officers to be elected are: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, State Committeeman, and State Committeewoman. They will be known as the "Executive Committee." 

Section 2 -- Method of Election 

The officers to be elected by the organization shall be members in good standing. Nominations will be taken from the floor. When all the nominations have been taken, the nominating process will be closed and the motion seconded. The votes will be cast by open ballot. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall assume that office. The officer shall maintain good standing in the organization or his or her office shall automatically become vacant.. 

Section 3 -- Term of Office 

Each officer elected as said shall hold office until the next annual organization meeting or until such time as his or her successor shall have been duly elected. 

Section 4 -- Filling of Vacancies 

All vacancies occurring by any manner other than by expiration of term shall be filled by nomination from the floor and election at such meeting. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be elected. 

Section 5 -- Duties of Officers 

President: The president shall preside at all meetings of the organization. He or she shall within 30 days after his or her election appoint the chairperson and not less than two members to each of the standing committees. He or she shall be the ex-official chairperson of all committees. It shall be his or her duty at all times to enforce and strictly observe the charter and bylaws of this organization and decide all questions of order subject to appeal to the membership. He or she shall call all meetings of the organization, including special meetings, upon at least 72 hours written notice to the members. 

Vice-president: the vice-president shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president. He or she shall assume such duties and responsibilities in the event of a vacancy in the office of president until such time as the same shall have been filled as aforesaid. 

Treasurer: the treasurer shall be chief financial officer of the organization. He or she shall open a checking account pursuant to resolution passed by the members and shall duly deposit all organization funds in said account. He or she shall keep a ledger of all financial transactions of the organization and supporting items which shall be required by law or by organization. His or her signature shall be required on all checks of the organization, together with the signature of at least one (1) other officer to be specified by the organization. 

Secretary: the secretary shall take accurate minutes of all organization and executive committee meetings and shall perform such other duties as my be deemed necessary and proper by the President. 

State Committeeman & State Committeewoman: along with the president serve as the county organization's representatives to the Young Democrats of New Jersey. 

Article V: Removal, Reprimand and Censure of Officers and Members

Any officer who shall fail to perform the duties of his or her office substantially or any officer or member who fails to perform a duty imposed by law or who acts contrary to law may be referred to the executive committee for investigation and hearing. Said referral shall be made by the executive committee upon receipt of a written complaint against the officer or member in question. Such complaint, investigation, and hearing shall be and remain confidential except in those cases where removal, reprimand and/or censure is in order. The executive committee, after finding that removal, suspension and/or censure by a vote of the committee members not involved in the complaint, is required to make a recommendation to the membership at the next monthly meeting. At this time the officer or member complained against may agree or disagree with the findings. In the event of disagreement, such officer or shall be entitled to be heard by the membership, and the matter will be decided by a 2/3 majority floor vote of the members in attendance at such meeting. 

Article VI: Expenditure of Funds

All funds, except those expended from the petty cash account, shall be expended only upon approval by the majority of the officers at a meeting of the organization after the floor has been opened to questions from the members. The organization shall maintain a petty cash account in the custody of the treasurer in the amount of $100.00 which shall be replenished at such meeting upon majority vote of the officers. Funds from such account may be expended by written authorization from any officer specifying the date on which the expenditure will be made, to whom it will be paid and for what purpose; said authorization shall be countersigned by the treasurer. Not more than $25.00 will be expended from such account for any purpose. At the next regular meeting a report of all such expenditures will be given by the treasurer and requests and receipts therefore shall be available for inspection by the membership. The balance of any funds - - should such funds be available -- will be deposited into the campaign account after all expenditures have been paid. 

Article VII: Standing and Temporary Committees

Section 1 -- Committee Types  

The membership of the standing committees shall be appointed by the President within 30 days after his or her election and shall remain in existence throughout the year. Select committees shall be created by a simple majority vote of the membership and shall be given an explicit time period of existence. The membership of select committees shall be appointed by the President within 30 days its formation. 

Section 2 -- Standing Committees 

Service Committee: This committee shall be in charge of maintaining the chapter's commitment to the community. In addition, the committee shall plan and carry out at least two service events each year for the membership. 

Campus Outreach Committee: This committee shall be in charge of maintaining contact with those members that are attending school outside of Mercer County by informing them of the chapter's activities and actions. The chairperson shall be appointed from those members attending school outside of Mercer County. 

Fundraising Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to propose to the membership and carry out all activities to raise funds for the activities of the chapter. 

Recruitment Committee: This committee shall be in charge of recruiting new members with the goals of enlarging the chapter and to better carrying out the chapter's purpose specified in Article II. 

Township Committees: Every member shall belong to one of the 13 committees that make up the township committees. Each township of Mercer County shall be represented. These committees shall be in charge of informing the membership of the political developments in their township. 

Public Relations Committee: This committee shall promote in the media the activities of the organization with the objective of promoting a positive party and chapter image. 

Section 3 -- Select Committees 

Constitution and Bylaws Committee: When a simple majority of the membership deems the need for an amendment to the constitution and bylaws, the president shall appoint a chairperson and six members to this committee. This committee shall review the constitution and bylaws and make recommendations regarding amendments or deletions. Written notice shall be given to the president of the organization at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which the amendment or deletion to the bylaws will be proposed. Said notice shall set forth what part is intended to be amended or deleted and in what manner, but must not exceed the purview given to them by the membership's initial vote. The president shall then explain in the notice for the meeting to be mailed by the secretary that an amendment or deletion will be presented, specifying what the amendment or deletion is. Said amendment or deletion must be adopted by a vote of two-thirds of the membership present in accordance with Article III, section II. 

Other Select Committees: Other select committees may be set up by a majority of the membership present as they are deemed necessary. 

Article VIII: Meetings

Section 1-- Schedule 

This organization shall meet annually for the purpose of election of officers in the month of March following the general election in each year at a time and sight arranged by the incumbent president of the organization. It shall also regularly meet monthly. 

Section 2 -- Quorum 

A quorum for conducting of business at any meeting shall consist of the presence of not less than three (3) members of the executive board. At meetings to fill vacancies of officers, to endorse candidates for party or public office or amend the bylaws a quorum shall consist of the presence of not less than one-quarter of the voting membership plus one. 

Section 3 -- Proxy 

There shall not be any voting in absentia or by proxy. 

Section 4 -- Sample Order of Business at Meetings 

Roll Call of Officers 
Announcement as to a Quorum 
Reading and Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting 
Announcement of Guests 
Financial Reports 
Committee Reports 
Presidential Report 
Old Business 
New Business 

Article IX :Policy

The Mercer County Young Democrats as a group may not endorse any Democratic candidate running for public office in a primary election. We will support and endorse all Democratic candidates in a general election. 

Article X :Dues

All members are required to pay annual dues in the amount set by the executive committee. Dues should be paid within 30 days of acceptance of membership and for returning members, by the 1st of June of each year. 

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