Strictly Oregon

Since I live in Oregon and as a state denizen am affected by the policies enacted both by the state legislature and citizen initiatives, I am offering the following commentaries on Oregon politics and Oregon politicians - and those well funded politicians who masquerade as "citizen activists".

Index Bad policy is "not open for discussion". Proposal to refer all spending to voters [who pay the bills].

Index The jail bond measure is a down payment on a bottomless pit.

Index Beyond the rhetoric of Sizemore's latest tax cut proposal.

Index Will Sizemore EVER propose spending cuts - or oppose spending initiatives?.

Index War on Drugs/Cold War mentality fuel money grab for jail.

Index Benton county wouldn't need jail - if police really cared about public safety rather than their budget.

Index Kitzhaber reinforces media stereotype with his tax plan.

Index No solving real problems of measure 67 while pols demagogue "public safety".

Index Just how broad is Sizemore's initiative.

Index Comrade Sizemore for governor.

Index The media release about Sizemore's finances suspiciously timed to quell discussion of Republican big government agenda.

Index When it comes to funding big government agendas give Republicans/conservatives a big zero!

Index Are Republicans ready for true smaller government advocate?

Index Sizemore to promote his big government agenda - count on it!.

Index Oregon's own phony "friends of taxpayers".

Index The Corvallis smoking ordinance and the emerging nanny state.

Index How conservatives threaten public safety with their big government agenda.

Index The bogus debate on measure 50

Index Education does not equal promotion!

Index Bill Sizemore - missing in action!

Feedback? 5/27/97


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