This is the grave of Vladimir Jabotinsky, Z"L, the founder of Right Wing Zionism, at Har Herzl Cemetary in Jerusalem. His movement was continued as The Herut Party by Menachem Begin, Z"L, which later evolved into The Likud Party of today.
Here is Anwar el-Sadat at The Knesset in 1977 among the Knesset members when he made an historic first visit to Israel by any Arab head of state.
Here is the handshake between Menachem Begin, Z"L, and Anwar el-Sadat on March 26, 1979, at The White House in Washington, that ended the state of war between Israel and Egypt. President Jimmy Carter of The United States watches on.
Here is His Excellency, Yitzhak Shamir greeting new Ethiopian immigrants from Ethiopia.
Here is President Bill Clinton of The United States with Bibi at a Knesset session.
Here is Bibi with his wife Sara after the victory in The 1996 Election.
Here is Bibi giving his victory speech following The 1996 Election.
Here is Bibi with Former Foreign Minister David Levy and Former Minister of Agriculture and The Environment Rafael Eitan, Z"L.
Here is the handshake between Binyamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat, YM"S, on October 23, 1998, at The White House in Washington, that seemed as if it truely ended the state of war between Israel and The Palestinians. President Bill Clinton of The United States and King Hussein of Jordan watch on.
Here is His Excellency, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on May 17, 1999, conceding defeat and announcing he would step down from The Likud Party leadership, following his loss in the election to Ehud Barak.
Here is Ariel Sharon and members of The Likud Party celebrating his victory over Ehud Barak on February 6, 2001.
Here is Ariel Sharon holding his hands up in triumph after his commanding victory in The 2001 Election.
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