Roger's links to the world
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Comments? Send E-mail to "rogerwn7m at juno dot com"...

OLD website entrance A bowl of cherries

Roger's CAR Where in the world is Roger's car?

NEWSLINE Newsline Amateur Radio News (text version)

NEWSLINE Newsline Amateur Radio News (Audio version)

ARRL AUDIO LETTER ARRL Amateur Radio News (Real Audio or MP3)

RAIN Report Amateur Radio News (Real Audio)

NWAPRS Northwest APRS info (How to)

KCAPRS Kansas City APRS info (More how to)

TAPR TAPR Org APRS PGM's and sigs

HHH Net Hank's Helping Hand / WAS and DX net

Please use your back button to return here.

PAGE 2 Boy Scouts links

PAGE 3 What is APRS

PAGE 4 Boating safety and military links

PAGE 5 Weather & other links

PAGE 6 Amateur Radio stuff

If you have questions, or find that a link no longer works, please send me email.

Roger Attwell, Webmaster
MY ICQ # IS 7772887
Updated 02-06-08


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