NOTE: This website is a public service provided by the 278th ACR. It is intended for viewing and retrieving information by the public and unit members.

Website Updated: 12 JUN 04 - The Regimental website is changing locations. Click the new URL link - - or type the new URL in your browser and come on over to the new site! The new site is still under construction and will be updated shortly.

COL Adams Command Philosophy is available for download. TO DOWNLOAD RIGHT CLICK on the link below and select SAVE TARGET AS to download the file. This is an Adobe Acrobat format and requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader program to view the downloaded file.

VIEW the Regimental Commander's Command Philosophy

DOWNLOAD the Regimental Commander's Command Philosophy

CPL Dylan Saunders, a trooper from 2/278 ACR, provided the wallpaper graphics that are available to download. RIGHT CLICK on the links below and select SAVE TARGET AS to download. To install, save the file to any location on your computer and then do a right click on the desktop and select Properties. On the Background tab click Browse and navigate to the saved file to set as wallpaper.

Download the Regimental Wallpaper unzipped file

Download the Regimental Wallpaper Winzip file

Download Scout Wallpaper unzipped file

Download Bradley Reticle Wallpaper unzipped file

Download Tanker Wallpaper unzipped file

Click thewww.TheCavalry.netlink to visit an online Civil War period cavalryman equipment store. SGT Emmett Taylor, a trooper with 3/278 ACR, is the trooper behind the counter at this tack room.


278th ACR Staff and Phone Numbers 278th ACR Squadron Locations 278th ACR Old'e Bill's Chips ARCHIVES Army Doctrine & Digital Training Library Knoxville, TN Home Page
US Army Home Page Armor Center at Ft. Knox Aviation Center at Ft. Rucker Artillery Center at Fort Sill Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL)
Sergeants Major Academy Command & General Staff College ARNG Combined Arms Center Ft. Huachuca U.S. Army Intelligence Center 278th ACR Regimental History
National Guard Bureau The S2 Company Public Affairs Articles Battle Command Stories

The 278th ACR is located in the Great State of Tennessee, ride with the Tennessee Cavalry...
or if you just want to contact us....

Contact Information
Phone: (865) 582-3206
Fax: (865) 582-3241
E-Mail: CW2 Polly Fly
Mail: 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment
Attn: RS-1 Section
P.O.Box 10167
Knoxville, TN 37939

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