There is much to say about various aspects of education, so I have set up a separate page for discussion of this.
. Items will be added and updated as I have time (and get more information).
What is Wrong?
Should Pay?
Where Does the Money Go?>
Education and Income
It takes 2 years of College to get a HS Education?
Correcting for "Grade Inflation"?
That Correction to the SAT Scores
The War Against Testing
SAT and Affirmative Action
Teaching Self-Esteem and more about Betsy Hart
Neglecting the Gifted?
What About Uniforms?
On the Job Training?
Education Affirmative Action Without Race
School Choice
The Friedman Foundation
School Choice Wins Big in Milwaukee Election
Voucher Veto
School Choice & Teacher Skills
Testing the Teachers
Testing the Colleges
Use Student Test Scores?
By Peer Review?
Does Money Buy Better Teachers?
Class Size: Is Smaller Better?
Is That the Best Use of Resources?
The Tennessee Study on Class Size
The Mesa Study
The Evidence on Class Size
Direct Instruction
Who is Siegfried Engelmann??
A Summary of Follow Through
Association for Direct Instruction
Learning Assistance Center for DI
Bilingual Education:
Bilingual Education & ESL
English 101 by Jeff Jacoby
Learning Language
Learning WITHOUT Language
California Proposition 227: YES or NO
The Denver Plan: YES or NO
Economic and Civic Education in the US
Part I
Part II
Part III
Beware of geeks bearing gifts
School Choice
The Papers of Caroline Hoxby