BREWER UPDATE: the "This, Bud, is For YOU!" Festival Last year during the baseball strike, I posted "Two Different Worlds and Baseball Players Syndrome". It generated some discussion on values in our society, and I have included it on my web page. It ends with the projected future of the Milwaukee Brewers. Owner Bud Selig wants the city and Wisconsin taxpayers to build him a new stadium. Governor Tommy Thompson supported this and after a statewide referendum to fund it was voted down (almost 2 to 1), and the Wisconsin legislature rejected it twice, (and the local papers had gone to press with BREWERS DEFEATED headlines) Tommy pulled off a 5 am maneuver to pass by one vote a plan for five counties in southeast Wisconsin to fund a new stadium with a special sales tax. "Democracy" has a flexible meaning in Wisconsin. There had been some support for a downtown site, near the Summerfest grounds (by Lake Michigan), and to be serviced by a commuter rail system. This plan was supported by some who didn't especially want a new stadium but saw it as a way to provide downtown Milwaukee with a decent mass transit system. But Bob Selig wanted his new stadium in the suburbs near the old one, so that is where they plan to build it. The cost of the package is $250 million (not counting the cost of highway expansion to make it accessible). The five counties will give Selig $160 of that outright: the Brewers will put up $40 million, and the other $50 million was to be a loan from WHEDA (a state agency to provide home loans to low income people). After the deal appeared to be signed, Selig noticed that the $50 million was to be a LOAN. "What, you want me to PAY IT BACK!" he said. (So you can load MY money to some poor jerks to buy a home, was implied). "Well NO DEAL. Give me that money too, or I'll take my team to some other city!" The issue is still being resolved. But this last twist was too much even for Tommy, who said "that's all we are giving you: take it or leave". There are three related events. The Wisconsin Libertarian Party has filed a lawsuit to block the use of tax money for such a private purpose. Senator George Petak who provided the critical vote switch to pass the measure at 5 am has had a recall campaign launched against him. A special prosecutor was hired to investigate the group organizing the recall (No More Petax!), but he has not been able to charge them with anything illegal yet. And the land Selig wants was given to the State with some sort of restriction on it being used by private parties. Now it looks like Miller Beer will put up part of the needed money, and have the new stadium named after them. But it may not be enough, and attached is a proposal which may fill the gap. I will keep you posted on developments. Re: BREWER UPDATE: Tax Dollars for Millionaires! From: (Thomas White) > > Here's a money-making idea for Butt Selig: sell futures tickets > for the right to piss on his grave, for $10 each. He's gotta die > sometime, so he may as well collect the money now. > > I've got a $20 bill ready and waiting! Once wouldn't be enough. > > > > -- > Thomas White | Always looking for new/tough/unusual cards of > Austin, TX | Roger Clemens and Chan Ho Park. Send email. >| > Storm 7-5-95 | It's THOMAS, dammit. > This is what is known in the financial world as "creative financing". And it could be promoted by a local beer, Miller for example, which could promise to hold a big party one month after he is buried. They would provide free beer at the grave site during a "This, Bud, is for YOU!" celebration. People could redeem in their tickets, and express their feelings for Bud in what is called "nonverbal communication". I will attach this suggestion in an update to the situation. Paper says the project is now close, since Miller put up some money. This plan might just put it over the top! UPDATE: December, 1996 This is an update of the Brewers Stadium situation. The Libertarian Party law suit was dismissed, Bud got his way, and ground breaking for the new stadium was in November, 1996. It will not be completed in time for the 1999 All Star Game. Senator George Petak (R) lost the special spring election to Democrat Kim Plache, and this switched control of the Wisconsin Senate from Republican to Democrat by one vote. This may have been a factor in Governor Tommy Thompson not being the Republican choice for VP. The location will be next to the current County Stadium in the western suburbs. Bud Selig countered a last minute push to locate the stadium downtown by making it clear that this would permit too many fans to get there my mass transit. This was unacceptable, since he wants to take in money from the parking concession. The taxpayers must not only give him money, they must do it in a way that insures that he can continue to collect from the public in the future. And Thomas White's creative financing plan was not adopted :-( ,,,,,,, ____________________ooo__(_O O_)__ooo_________________________ (_) Jim Blair ( University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA). For a good time, call "This message is brought to you using biodegradable binary bits and 100 % recycled bandwidth."