Van Wert Schools
The city is fortunate to have several schools serving the educational needs of Van Wert's youth. Here is some information on them.
The Van Wert City School District serves approximately 2600 public school students in grades K-12. Buildings include:
- Van Wert High School
- Lincoln Junior High
- Anthony Wayne Elementary
- Franklin Elementary
- Horace Mann Elementary
- Jefferson Elementary
- Pleasant Elementary
- Washington Elementary
- Ohio City Elementary
Van Wert City Schools
311 W. Crawford Street
Van Wert, Ohio 45891
(419) 238-0648
Vantage Joint Vocational School
The Vantage Joint Vocational School provides skills needed for today's job market. The school provides vocational education opportunities for students from the Van Wert City, Paulding, Lincolnview, Crestview, Ottoville, Fort Jennings, Kalida, Delphos City, Wayne Trace, and Parkway school districts.
Vantage Vocational School
818 N. Franklin Street
Van Wert, Ohio 45891
(419) 238-5411
St. Mary's Catholic Elementary School
St. Mary's provides a private elementary school education to residents in and around the city.
St. Mary's Catholic School
611 Jennings Road
Van Wert, Ohio 45891
(419) 238-5186
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