This page is dedicated to all the people out there that feel the same way I do about racism being reversed and thrusted into our faces. If you are a white male between the ages of eighteen and twenty-seven, you are now the minority in this country when applying for a job. This is all because of the NAACP. The NAACP is always saying how we, the white people, are so racist. The goal for the NAACP is to gain equality for the blacks in this country. I would like to discuss that point. Once again, all they want is equality. REMEMBER THAT! If they want to be equal, then why do they keep seperating themselves from the white population? Do you realize that blacks have their own college fund, The United Negro College Fund? They have recently changed the name to "The College Fund" I guess thats so you cant claim racism. What do you think would happen if we, the white people, had our own college fund? I will tell you what would happen - the NAACP would fight it and take it to the Supreme Court and the judges would rule in their favor because if the judges ruled in favor of the white population, then the judge would be labeled a racist and would probably be impeached. Black people have their own television station and it is called "BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION." That turns my stomach. They don't even try to lie about being racist. It's in the goddamn name! It is time for White America to WAKE UP! Every year, millions of guys sit around and watch the Miss America pageant. That wasn't good enough for the blacks in this country. Not only are they allowed to participate in that pageant, now they have their own pageant and it is called "Miss Black USA."
The only difference between the KKK and the NAACP is the KKK has better hats. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the NAACP here is awful. Every night on the news all you here about is how they are not happy with this situation or that a particular person is a racist. On May 16, the NAACP is planning to march the streets of Pittsburgh during rush hour in protest of a police officer being promoted to seargent over a year after being involved in the routine traffic stop of a black man which resulted in the man's death. The man's name was Johny Gammage and it was proven in a court of law that the police officers did everything by the book and the man died due to no fault of the officers. If it would have been a white man and black police officers, the NAACP would have hung a big gold metal to their chest, and if white people would have started anything over it, then we would be called racist and the matter would have been dropped. The officers in this case have been taken to court a second time and it was a hung jury. The vote was 11-1 innocent. Guess what color the man was that voted guilty. Now the NAACP is crying about justice hasn't been served. They are taking the officers to court for a third time under the same charges. HELLO!! How can this be going on in this country? Hasn't anyone ever heard of "Double Jeopardy" This is a great example of how blacks get their way in this country, and no one can stop them.
Blacks in America have it made.They can do whatever they want and if White America doesn't like it, then we are racist. Blacks have their own television stations, magazines, television shows, award ceremonies, business groups, college funds and now they are trying to get EBONICS brought into the public schools. Are you kidding me? They are trying to get that broken tongue english into our education system. This country speaks english not gibberish. What would the teacher say, "HEY WE BE IN CLASS SIT DOWN BEFORE I CAP YOUR ASS." This situation is getting ridiculous and their is nothing we can do about it. The city of San Francisco has just passed a law that states every school student MUST read a novel written by a BLACK author. The students of S.F. should rebel and pull a stunt like the one pulled in Arkansas when those two kids opened fire on their classmates. Only, this time they should aim higher and go for the idiots sitting on the school board.
The NAACP had their rally today in downtown Pittsburgh and it went off without a hitch. About three weeks ago the KKK had a rally in Pittsburgh and it was nothing but trouble, but the KKK had nothing to do with the problems. It was the black patrons of this great city that had a problem with the rally. As I stated earlier on this page I am not a klansman nor a racist of any kind. I just feel that you should be able to express yourself. If the NAACP can do it and the white population has no problem with it, then why cant the same be said when it comes down to a white group and the black citizens?
I have just heard about the ESSENCE awards show that is totally dedicated to the black stars in hollywood. This is yet another disgusting example of black america having their way on brodcast television. Call your local televisions stations and vividly protest to the showing of this racist program and tell them you dont want your kids to grow up thinking they are DIFFERENT because they are white.
Today the NAACP released their statement on the Fuzzy Zoeller comments made about the great black hope Tiger Woods. The president of the NAACP, Kweisi Mfume, called the remarks vicious and cruel to people of color everywhere. Give me a break, Fuzzy is known throughout the golfing world as a comedian and as a man of honor. He was only JOKING and it was obvious. I guess he will be the next Furman for the NAACP to rip apart.
The city of Pittsburgh announced that they were not going to charge the NAACP for the march they held in downtown Pittsburgh on May 17. When the KKK had a rally all you heard about was the cost to the city for the police protection and to keep the crowd under control. As soon as the NAACP has a rally the city says,"Dont worry about the cost we got it," This outrages me. If this is not a show of favortism then I dont know what is. I guess its because our grandfathers used to beat theirs, so now we have to make ammends. That is bullshit and I am sick of all the niggers using that for an excuse. Every time something happens to a black guy he says that "whity" is trying to hold him down. Were not trying to hold you down we just want you to take responsibility for your six kids, get a job, and stop selling your food stamps for crack.
Today I was at our local K-mart and I saw something that made me sick to my stomach. As I walked through the store I passed by the magazine rack and one section stood out from all the rest. This section of magazines had quite a few magazines that were just for blacks and they said so right in the title. They were called "Just for black men" "Just for black women", and of course they had the black bible "Ebony." Where was the "White guy weekly?" A major corporation like K-mart would never carry a magazine or any product designed specifically for white americans. THAT WOULD BE RACIST! How much more are we going to have to accept before something is done about the pathetic state of this country. Please, send K-mart your feedback on this situation here:KMART
I have been getting alot of hits lately from college students all over the world. The power is in your hands to change what has happened in the WHITE United States. Did you know that the U.S. Government gives grants to major corporations to hire minority workers. They receive millions and sometimes billions of dollars each and every year to hire other races and nationalities. It does not matter if you are the most qualified for the job. If you are white it hurts the companies standing with the grants they receive. So much for "an honest days wage for an honest days work." That only happens if you are not white.
As for all the people out there that read my page and think I am blowing alot of hot wind: Can you please point out to me the way Affirmitive action (which by the way is reverse racism) makes everything equal when you are out in the real world looking for a job. Why is there a million man march for blacks celebrating their heritage. If White men "ONLY" wanted to assemble in a public area, blacks would start crying about it. Saying that they pay taxes to, and they didnt want this going on in their neighborhood. And no one could say anything about it because "they are black, and if we dont agree with them they will call their mighty NAACP." And that would put a stop to all plans.
It is time my fellow white Americans to take a stand. We need to start our own NAACP---The National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People. {OR WOULD THAT BE RACIST}
I am now working on creating a group for all of us that are fed up with the double standard going on in America. If blacks can have everything handed to them on a silver platter, then whites have to demand they get the exact same treatment. After all, the NAACP only want to be equal. This group will be called "NO WAY." It will be up and running in a few weeks so stop back and join. Let your voice be heard.