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A Call To Citizenship
And the Redeeming of American Ideals

...Being a Continual Pursuit of the
Ideals of the American Revolution and Common-Sense
Viewpoints on Contemporary Society...

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    I pledge allegiance
    to the Constitution
    of the United
    States of America,
    and to the
    Republic which it
    defines, One
    Nation, by the
    grace of God,
    securing our
    inalienable Rights-
    Life, Liberty,
    and the pursuit of
    Happiness for all.

  • About this Pledge

  • For God
    And my Country

  • Seek The Light

    IN THE interest of the Republic and directed by Christian Virtues*, these essays are offered as rational discussions of the general direction of American politics and society. It is the opinion of the writers that any society founded on the Ideals of Equality, Democracy and Individual Liberty must review and reform its laws at regular intervals referencing always to the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights and to those Ideals and that Philosophy as stated in the Declaration of Independence.

    With the inherent belief that the American Ideal as a social order is among the best ever yet devised by Mankind, these writings wish only to point to diversions from the path to Enlightenment that was forged by the Founders and defended by the Patriots. With an eye toward forgiveness for those in the past that erred and scorn for those that, by use of arbitrary power-whether personal, political or economic-have done or continue to do harm to our system or individuals, these opinions are offered to a candid world.

    And may the American Revolution
    flow like a mighty river
    to Enlighten the World in True Liberty and Justice
    for all Americans and
    for All Mankind.

    * Christian Virtues=Principles and Ethics, not religionism and with equal considerations for, and lessons from,
    all Faiths and non-believers alike.


    "The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense. It is the substitution of a common force for individual forces. And this common force is to do only what the individual forces have a natural and lawful right to do: to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over us all. "

    Frederic Bastiat

    This Week's Essay
  • WHAT IF?
    What if America behaved like America?

  • Something Every American Should Know
    The missing clause of the Declaration of Independence
    clearly condemns slavery and shows Jefferson and others
    believed that Blacks were persons, people and MEN.
    This conclusion is self-evident.

  • Note: Neither "Today's Quote" nor "This Week's Essay" are updated daily or weekly. That's just what we call 'em. That's the anarchist streak in US.


    R. D. Neligh
    Common Sense, Jr.
    Cicero Dossey
    Geronimo Crockette
    Alexander Battlefield

    Send comments, questions, and suggestions to:
    Copyright © 1998 by New Constellation Press/Syndicate/Net
    And R. D. Neligh
    All rights reserved.
    No part may be published without the consent of New Constellation where it is to be sold for profit. However, individuals may print and/or share works with anyone. Non profit organizations may use works for free and reviewers, other columnists, publishers and newspapers may publish works in full or part once on a one by one basis as long as New Constellation and this site are credited as the source. Please contact New Constellation at this site's E-mail address if works are used stating where and when. If publishers wish to run a regular column on American Ideals please contact
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