So you want to buy some pee?

Ok now the first thing you have to do is tell yourself that you are not strange for purchasing Pee.  Many have done it before you (check the counter below.)  It is nothing to be ashamed of.  In the 90's it's not who you are but what cool stuff you own.  Imagine the expression on your friends faces when they see that Jimi Hendrix Urine sample on your mantle.  Why yes, you'll be the talk of the town.  Currently we are offering authentic urine sample from 10 well know celebrities.  In coming weeks we will be adding hundreds of new stars.  Why wait?  Be cool now.  Order a sample of your favorites celebrities urin now and that cute girl you like just may see you in a different light.  Click on a Celebrity picture below to see a larger (slower loading pic) one and ordering information.  All samples retail for $79.95 or 3 for $129.95. WHAT A DEAL.  If you have any questions or comments please email me.

COMING SOON - Collectable South Park Pee
"My Uncle says smoking crack is kind of cool." - Cartman