The Jim Kane Page
A little slice of my life and ambitions.
My name is Jim Kane, and I'm planning on running for President of the United States in about the year 2028.
1. Complete college, and receive my bachelors degree (I'm majoring in Philosophy with a pre-law focus). COMPLETE
Sounds pretty simple doesn't it.
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2. Get my ROTC commision ( COMPLETE ), and serve my nation while at the same time repaying the army for the three years of my college education that they are paying for.
3. Complete law school d and enter into patent or corporate law.
4. Retire at a young age from law so that I can enter politics.
(This is the really easy step)
5. Become President.
6. Lead the United States into a new age of peace and prosperity that will become known as either "The Golden Age of America", or the "Pax Americana".
To build an environment which creates a more responsible and capable citizen.
I see a very grave problem in America today. It seems like the American public is becoming disinterested in the fate of their country.
Now, I'm not saying that people don't care at all, it just seems that they don't care as much as they do about whatever is going on in their own lives. Gone are the days when huge portions of the population would pull together for a cause. A general feeling of apathy seems to have spread over the nation. Polls tell us that people are disinterested in the elections, and people no longer trouble themselves with finding out about the candidates or the issues. I am able to see this general disinterest close hand as an Army officer. Society doesn't even seem to acknowledge that the United States has a military, or at least that the military would ever require their personal attention. The military is being stretched further and further, and personnel strength is at a dangerously low level because American citizens are not taking the charge of serving their nation.
At the same time there seems to be a definite move away from personal responsibility. I believe that this move has grown (and continues to grow) for many reasons, not least of which are (a) a misinterpretation of the social consequences of some facets of modern medical science and also (b) just a general slippery slope effect which has gone unchecked in the present state of our society.
My Plan
My plan is to shock Americans into realizing that they are not alone in this nation, and that they must take responsibility for their own actions.
I feel that the best way to accomplish this plan would be with universal service. I'm not talking about strictly military service, the vast majority of service would be in something along the lines of a national community service organization. The program could be similar to the programs in many of the countries of Europe where young men and women would spend about a year after graduating from high school in service of their nation.
This program would bring people from across the nation together in a common purpose. Regional lines and social lines would be eliminated in this program, and while they were there, young Americans would realize what they are a part of. They would realize that the world doesn't revolve around just them personally, and that it is important to think of the rest of the nation.
This would also have a huge sociological impact on the nation by showing people that as citizens we are all equal. Everyone, rich, poor, black, white, smart, or stupid would be equal before their nation. Everyone must serve, and then everyone will learn that they are "E PLURIBUS UNUM", or one out of many, and the nation depends on each individual in order to succeed as a whole.
There has been a lot of talk in the past years about the World War II generation as being the "Greatest Generation", and I believe that this is entirely true. The example that was set by their selfless service and their dedication to their nation and their people will hopefully be remembered for as long as our nation exists.
The question that has to be asked is, "Why was that generation different from all the others?" The answer, I believe, is that the war brought all the people together in order to serve one another. Everyone served, not just the soldiers who made the greatest sacrifices, but everyone who took time out of their lives to help their nation in a common cause. That service, although it may have been forced on them by the necessities of war, is what brought them together and taught them to be better citizens.
I believe that we can recapture what has been lost, and that we can produce more great generations. Universal service is one of the keys to a brighter future, and it is on this that my platform stands.
I was born in Lake county Illinois, to James (Sr.) and Carolyn Kane I have two half brothers and a half sister from my father's first marriage, but due to the vast age difference between us (they are 9, 11, and 13 years older than me) I was raised more or less as an only child. I graduated from Mundelein High School in Mundelein, IL in 1996, and from St. Norbert College in De Pere, WI in the year 2000. Now I am a field artillery officer in the US Army.
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