Vietnam Veterans of America

Rhode Island State Council

The Vietnam Veterans of America, Rhode Island State Council extends a welcome to those who are intested in the Vietnam Veterans community and its issues. Some of the issues are Prisoner of War Missing in Action POW/MIA, veterans benefits,agent orange,ptsd, homeless, women veterans, upcoming events and membership. Membership is open to anyone who served on active duty in the U.S.Armed Forces between January 1, 1959 amd May 7, 1975. We all also have associate memberships available.

Links to other sites on the Web

Vietnam Veterans of America National
R.I. Island Secretary of State

More Information to follow as the site begins to grow. VVA "vows never to let one generation of veterans abandon another". Our Toll Free number (in state only) 1-888-882-1975. "FREEDOM HAS A SPECIAL TASTE THAT ONLY THOSE WHO FOUGHT FOR IT WILL EVER KNOW". Upcoming events in Rhode Island are, May, Memorial Services at the Exeter Cemetary, special presentation at the post office on Corliss Street. June we have the Gaspee day parade and the Rhode Island Air show at Quonset Point. July "The Bristol 4th of July Parade" the longest running 4th of July Parade In the United States. Over 210 years straight!!!! Crowds are expected to be in the Quarter Million Range. During the months of June July and August we will kick off our largest coordinated membership mission ever attempted in the State. The effort will be from both chapters and the state council with public service announcements, and photo ready ads for the nespapers provided by Mookie Porter at National, who is now one of the Vietnam Veterans in this States "Newest Best Friend". How will we accomplish such a feat you ask? Well let me tell You!!! As usual we will enter a float in the Bristol Parade where we will attempt to construct a visual display of "In Service To America" it is a challenge to our talented, specialized float construction team, they can do it "Trust Me". We will also attempt for the first time puting a smaller flaot in the Gaspee Days Parade which we hope will feature our relationship with the imPossible Dream. The cap off will be a state wide welcome home party and some what of a send off to the Rhode Island delagation to the National Convention in August. This will be handled by the quite talented , and my right arm and half my brain Candace Maguire. It sounds like a heck of a summer. A summer you may not want to miss!!! Don't forget "Party at Erns House"!!!!! All lethal weapons will be checked at the gate before entering the designated party area. There will be NO creme pies, multied colored jello or other "Stuff" that may be harmful to your almost beloved State Council President, which also goes for the Ernie VOODOO Doll. Highly trained professional security people will be at the gate(whoever is Sober)and two trained jello sniffing voodoo finding attack dogs at the main entrance. Try not to step on them and wake them up. Stay tuned to future updates.

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