Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasonry [ New book ]
   UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION, the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire


    Jüri Lina's new stunning DVD documentary film:
    "The Lightbringers: The Emissaries of Jahbulon"

    Total lenght of the movie is 53min 22 sec.
    This DVD is in the European PAL system.
    Because that the American customers need a multisystem DVD player or they can watch this film on their computer.
    The film is in English
    Subtitles: Swedish, Estonian

    14 minute preview of some clips from the movie, click to start

    All over the world there are people, who call themselves freemasons and believe they are spreading the light, but they are actually very much afraid of the light.
    This film tells about how the Emissaries of Jahbulon spread it around themselves and how it affects us.
    The film is exiting excursion to some of the most powerful masonic lodges in the United States and in Europe.

    You can order this film directly from

    Jüri Lina
    Box 15149
    104 65 Stockholm,

    Send cash 25 dollars

    Or send a check to our American agent in his name:

    Mr. Heino Tuisk
    612 Dover Rd, Maryland 21122
    Phone: 410 255 82 60

Article in Barnes Review