Denison Government Class Home Page

by Jason Shives and Andrew Klein

NEARING COMPLETION!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, What's Up? Were are continually working on this page , so check it out and be sure to check back later and see our amazing progress through CyberSpace.

We are making/updating/maintaining this page as a final project for our American Government Class. The Links on the page are links that we used throughout the year to do research for various projects and assignments. Be sure to check back often to see what else we have added. We also plan to have this page somewhat opinionated so write and tell us your opinion. The address to use is at the bottom of the page. Be sure to put "government home page" as the subject and a response will be sent as soon as possible.

The "Assignments" portion of the page is used to post each day's assignment for the class. That way, if a student misses a day, or if they didn't remember what the assignment was they can look it up on the internet.

THE NATIONAL BONUS PLAN!!!!!!!!!!! There are many plans in the works to make our electoral college more fair/efficient. By far the best is the Natonal Bonus Plan. If you don't know what it's all about find out!!!! Contact your Senator or Representative and tell them what you think!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

The THOMAS Government Page.
The State of Iowa Homepage.

CNN Interactive Online.
USA Today Online.

See ya, if you didn't like this page I wouldn't want to be ya. REMEMBER!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE, THAT'S THE ONLY WAY OUR GOVERNMENT WORKS.

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