The Extremist Entertainment Network

Whose shriek is worse - Hillary or Howard Dean?

Analysis of why Dean's rant received so much publicity, while Hillary's rant was ignored by the establishment media

Click to visit the premiere political discussion forum on the web

Free Republic March on Washington DC, Oct. 31st Free Republic Judgement Day Rally at the Capitol, Dec. 5, 1998

Highlights of the Free Republic March on Washington, Oct. 31, 1998 and Capitol Rally, Dec. 5, 1998 - click icons above for video clips and photos.

Click to Find Out What You Can Do...Quick Before Its Too Late! Support Juanita Broaddrick!

VRWC bumper sticker

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Save Our Bill
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC


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Are You an Extremist?

Wall Street Journal editorial, May 20, 1997 defines Extremist

Clinton Scandals Feature Selections

Manchurian President
Mulan (following a partial clip of Manchurian President)
Is she gonna run in New York really?
Where Have All the Flowerchildren Gone?
I Want to be Bubba's Girl
Take Jane Doe 5 and whadaya get ... Tom Brokaw sayin 'Lisa no - not yet!'
Jailhouse Vote sung by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, followed by Sgt. Screwball
Return With Censure - Clinton era remake of Elvis classic
Clinton has a great memory - except he can't remember - Grand Jury lies
America's hottest new cigars: Monicanudos
Clinton White House Automated Telephone Poll
Wide World of Whoppers interviews President Clinton
Only one wore "the Black Beret"
Celine sings the background for the origins of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal
Play the exciting new board game Sorry 98
Triple spin tribute to Hillary - including First Lady Blues
Clinton takes the oath - then sings Doubt
The Clinton Syndrome 5 Step Recovery Program
Clinton's cabinet reaffirms they believe the President
Ain't Got No Proof by Bill Clinton
Wrongs Not Right, by Steve Vaus

Get the free RealPlayer to listen to the audio clips. RealAudio uses streaming technology, which means you don't have to wait to download the file.

Songs - Real Audio

Runaround Sue - Bridge to 21st Century Edition
Jorge meets the DNC at the Copa - Web looking for a job - Hillary's Hale-Bopp UFO
She Can't Remember - Her Brain's in a Blender
Songs to Annoy Liberal Co-Workers
Stormy Eyes That Flash When She's Criticized (2:25)
A True Story about how algore became the VP (1:30)
Arkansas Beer Brewed With Authentic Whitewater (0:55)
Talks With Eleanor's Ghost (2:18)
Hillary Wants a Baby - Tribute by Planned Parenthood (2:15)
Theme from Mission Impossible (1:17)
Theme from Twister - It's Not a Movie - We're Living it Now! (1:15)
GGL - Secret Agent Man (2:22)

More Clinton Parodies

NEW UEIB Archives
Paul Shanklin's home page - get the songs on CD
Paul Silhan's home page - get the songs o n CD

Real Audio Clips

Coming soon to a school near you
The U.S. Healthful Living Dept visits a smokers household and confiscates an SUV
Our Boy Lollipop - Barney Frank Update
Starr's War
Rush explains the true mea ning of the Constitution and the Second Amendment
Listen to Los Alamos spy Wen Ho Lee's voice mail greeting
Blatant NPR bias during the Senate Impeachment Trial
House Managers finishing showing video clips on Feb. 6, 1999
Diversity Public Service Announcements - First one is real, followed by anti-PC version
Rush reads some more liberal hate speech from 1995-96 (8:15)

Official - translation of Jiang Zemin's 1997 White House address
Hate Speech Examples by Left-Wing Liberal Extremists (1:12)

They're Coming for Our Children, plus algore's Extra Chromosome Comments (6:07)

Hypocrisy from Hillary plus Rebuttal (10:16)

Special Message From Ross Perot Over the Volunteer Radio Network (9:18)

Utarus - A New Feminist Nation (4:46)

Brown University Course Catalog (3:34)

At the Minimum Mr. Livingstone: Suicide! (0:50)

1996 Darwin Award - How to Commit Suicide - Stupidly (4:01)

G. Gordon Liddy's Comments on the Death of Dr. Timothy Leary (5:32)

The Darkest Hour of the Darkest Day of Our Lives (1:22)

Are you Frustrated? Click to burn a flag!

Items of Interest

Clinton vows to "go after" detractors, cut them out of politics

How accurate are the polls? Click to see how they did in the 1996 election

Professor John Lott of the University of Chicago Concealed Carry Gun Study

Nice Color Images With Something to Say

Liberals to America: SO WHAT? (162K jpg)
2 out of 3 Clinton's Agree - It's Not a Cut! (116K jpg)

The President Fingers a Critic

President Clinton pointing out Patricia Mendoza after she yelled "You Suck"
This is a scanned newspaper photo off a TV screen.
(22K jpg)

Some Cartoons

Bill and Hill take Spike Wallace out for a walk (20K gif)
HiLIARy makes her famous Hale-Bopp UFO statement (29K jpg)
Janet Reno defends the president (21K jpg)
Co-President's Day (56K jpg)
HiLIARy's FBI Lapdog (48K jpg)
Hillary springs a joke on Congress over Travel Office documents (47K jpg)
Bill Clinton's concern for teenagers on drugs (45K jpg)
Bill Clinton's "Hope and History" (36K jpg)
Watch Bill Clinton in the Olympics This Fall (158K jpg)
Your Time is Up! (115K jpg)
Sooner or Later Something is Going to Hit (70K jpg)
Independence Day is Coming! (94K jpg)

My Favorite External Clinton Scandal Links

Hugh Sprunt's Citizens Independent Report on the death of Vincent Foster

Michael Rivero's Page - See the altered Foster autopsy report and the neck wound photo - plus lots more

Beach Bum's Clinton Scandal Page - The most extensive detail I have found on the web

Stop Global Whining!

I'm fed up with the liberal media

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Last modified on 26 May 1999

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