Roy's Homepage version
Ok, so I really don't have that tight of version control on my home page content.  So sue me. 

This original site was constructed back when images where rare on the web, and most of it was text.  My Pentium was brand new, and 75 Mhz.  And a 14.4 modem was fast!

Now, I have an operating system that takes more space to install than my first 7 computers had put together.  Blah blah blah.

Instead of sitting back in my easy chair and playing video games, while I wonder at the speed and power of these new fangled computers, I spend my days working on Micorsoft SQL servers. (many of my nights too.)

I'm a hopeless techno-holic and spend my free time working on other geeky things.  I have been playing with Linux for a while now.  I still don't use it as my main OS at home mostly because I have spent a lot of my professional training time in Microsoft classes and haven't had the time or money to develop the level of familiarity and expertise that I have on Windows, on a linux platform.  But as MS gets bigger, bloated, and orwellian, I see that day continuing to approach.

When I am not immersed in my computers, I find time taken by my five children, my wife, and our chickens.  Recently we have acquired a dog.  This is dog v 1.4.  Dogs 1.0 thru 1.3 were incompatable with chickens, and had to be discontinued.
Driving along the highways and byways of Tennesse my wife and I found the perfect spot to get our picture taken.  Luckily we happend to have a photographer with us....
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You can always find me on Tech Republic.
My Info:
Name: Roy Hayward
Writing  Hobby:
Among my many hobbies that I tinker with are writing.  I have a book, well I have 10 chapters of a book, and a few first chapters of other books that I have started to write.  They start out as short stories, and then they grow.  Sometimes I actually finish a short story, but really what I have done is just told a part of the big story.

Here is a short story I wrote called,
"Dark Knight." Check it out if you like.
Profesional Information:
I have been working at my current company since shortly after the startup.  I have seen them go thru mergers, and grow from a small, "Who are they?" size company to a mid sized, "Oh, I've heard of them." sized company.  After six years I realized that the resume that I used to have was rather out-dated.  So I just updated it and have posted a copy here.  Take a look if you are interested.  Also, check out my linked in profile to see more information and references.