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Conservatives against Media Bias and Network Propaganda WEBRING


This netring is designed to link together websites that have a common theme. It is member's goal to help educate the public about the media's biases, the networks propaganda and related information.

The media (a plural word and are agencies of mass communication) are suppose to be non-biased neutral entities. However, their main financial support is advertising and is thereby answering to the advertisers. Hence, one of their TOP goals is to please the advertisers.

It is not uncommon for left-wing (politically liberal) owners of networks to promote their favorite liberal cause, politician or political agenda. The Liberal Media more often then not, either purposefully or accidentally, relays information which is filtered through their opinions, biases, and misperceptions to their audience and average voters. Some believe that this alarming trend has effected the outcome of public votes..and many if not all conservatives are tired of it. By using techniques designed to alarm the average viewers, subscribers, audience and voters, the media creates hysteria in the voting booth either by distorting facts or sharing misinformation. A prime example is the attack by the media and the liberals on our 2nd Amendment right.

The websites and/or pages that are members of this webring, do not necessarily reflect my opinion.

Your Favorite News Sources

your favorite news source suggestions


Since June 11th, 1999


  • If you wish to become a member of this netring, and your webpage supports the belief that the media is biased toward and supportive of the left-wing elite in politics, you are eligible to join this webring.

  • If you wish to become a member of this netring, and your Webpage supports the belief that the Networks, Entertainment industry etc., are biased toward and supportive of the left-wing elite in politics, you are eligble to join this webring.

  • Your webpage obviously must have conservative information on it. (IE:The treatment of the Leftist media toward Conservative politicians is an example) If your webpage does NOT portray the media or networks as biased against conservativism, you may not join this ring.

  • If your Webpage supports the notion, that Conservatives in general have been effected in a negative way by the left-wing elite in politics, you are eligible to join this netring.

  • If you are a libertarian that supports the notion that the media is biased against non-liberal are welcome to join this netring.

  • Your page cannot contain things which may be deemed inappropriate, which will be determined by the ring master on a case-by-case basis. Each page will be evaluated before being accepted to the webring.

  • Sites that will not be accepted will be the following.
  • The banner that you will be given, will have to be uploaded to your own server. If you don't, you'll be removed from the ring and kept in the 'queue' until the problem is resolved. The reason for this is that it would put to much strain on this server, thereby slowing down our homepage.

  • Banners may not be altered.

  • You MUST place the banner (and webcode) on the webpage you wish to register.

  • Other Ring masters apparently have had problems with the URLs sitting in the queue for too long. (meaning the person who wants to join the hasn't put the code on their webpage yet) Since this is a new netring, I'm not going to set a limit of less than 30 days.

    Members of old webring who have not moved over to yet....

    To join this netring, please fill out the form below.

    After submitting your webpage, you will receive an e-mail with the proper code to insert on your web page.

    After your code is placed on your web page, you just need to e-mail me to let me know that your site is ready to be added to the netring. Assuming your site meets the criteria for the ring, I will officially add you to the webring!

    The code will create a webring graphic and navigational bar that looks like this:

    This RingSurf Conservatives against Media Bias and Network Propaganda Net Ring

    {owned by Conservatives against Media Bias} [ Next | Skip Next | List Sites ]

    Submit a site to the Conservatives against Media Bias Webring
    Site Title:
    Site URL:
    Site Owner:
    EMail Address:
    Year of Birth:
    (ie: 1999)
    The following is a message from
    "By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data".
    Site Description:


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